Herbal teas for weight loss: how and how much they work

Herbal teas for weight loss: how and how much they work

Herbal teas for weight loss: do they work? The answer is it depends.

A herbal tea does not and cannot have a direct slimming action, that is, be so powerful that you can take it and lose weight, regardless of our diet.

But it can have an indirect slimming action , i.e. acting on some factors that lead us to weight accumulation, such as intestinal inflammation, digestive problems, water retention and even in some cases anxious hunger.

In short, herbal teas for weight loss are not magical potions, which allow us to lose weight without dieting or exercising or both. Anyone who wants to use a slimming herbal tea must still associate it with a low-calorie diet, even a moderate one. And choose the right herbal tea, trying to identify the one that can give you the most benefits in your case.

In this article, therefore, we will see:

– how to use a herbal tea for weight loss and how to get most of the benefits;

– which herbal teas are the most suitable for losing weight, always taking into account that we must still stay on a diet or associate a healthier diet with our herbal tea.


  1. Drink lukewarm herbal tea, but neither hot nor cold from the fridge.

  2. Once you have chosen our herbal tea, find out when it should be taken.

    Preferably it would be better to take herbal teas in the morning, unless otherwise indicated. Slimming or purifying herbal teas work better during the day than in the evening, because during the day they act more effectively on the emunctors, favoring the kidneys, liver and skin.
    Some herbal teas or some decoctions work instead after meals, for example the decoction of fennel seeds with a soothing and deflating action.
    Others after meals can interfere with digestion.

  3. You don’t have to sweeten the herbal tea.

    It is better not to use sweeteners in our herbal tea. For two reasons. The first is that we have to keep the calorie intake under control, so honey and sugar may be fine for one cup, but if we drink three in the course of the day it’s over a hundred calories. The second reason concerns artificial sweeteners. Some of these can alter the bacterial flora.

  4. Better to drink a glass of herbal tea every time you are hungry or even before eating in order to take advantage of the satiating effect.

Now let’s see which herbal teas work to lose weight .

Here by herbal tea I mean both the infusion and the decoction.

The decoction is the herbal tea obtained by cooking the roots and other leathery parts of the plant, where it is boiled in water.

The infusion tea is generally obtained from more delicate parts, such as the flowers or the pistils or the more tender leaves.

In this case the water must be boiled by itself, then poured over the mixture, which is then kept in infusion, usually covered with a saucer or cloth.

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