Healthy eating rules for dummies!

Healthy eating rules for dummies!

I decided to call healthy eating rules for dummies: ideal for those who want to improve, clean up, have a healthier life and diet and acquire superpowers rather than lose weight.
Everything is possible , according to newspapers and sites like mine, but the reality that slaps us every time is very different .

We have a job that steals our time , break-up colleagues, a mother-in-law who spoils us on Sundays, a husband or wife or boyfriends or lovers, children who need so many things that we want to live in the primitive age. , where at least everything was essential and the whims were few. Then, the social diktat: eat better, be slimmer, be cool in some way, be social animals, stop complaining, be nice, do yoga or crossfit or whatever is in fashion right now. Therefore healthy eating is also a must. 

In all of this, the thing we miss most is not self-love, but time: time is a problem. We would also like to make sprouts at home and sourdough, but we only have at home in the evening, or three different kitchens to do because the little one eats only pasta with sauce, and the little girl is allergic to gluten. Time is often our enemy.
We can also be inspired by the deeds of people who have made themselves , we can barely get our hair done. If you are one of us too, on page two I’ll explain four rules to improve your diet and develop less feelings of guilt.

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