Healthy diet and activities against senile dementias

Healthy diet and activities against senile dementias

originalEating healthy and doing healthy physical activities reduce the risk of senile dementia . According to a recent study, a healthy lifestyle, or the combination of three factors (healthy and balanced diet, a stable emotional and social life and a little healthy movement, even if walking every day) reduces the risk of dementia. in people who are predisposedtowards this type of disease. In the past, some studies had already correlated the risk of dementia with a wrong and poorly nutritious diet (junk food) and with the lack of healthy recreational activities, but also with repeated traumas and worries and a stressful lifestyle. This time, one of the largest studies focuses on what can actively decrease the risk of senile dementia rather than increase it.

According to the University of Eastern Finland, in collaboration with the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki, who studied the lifestyle of 1300 people aged 60 to 77 years, a healthy and balanced life , with a healthy diet, exercise and social activities (a coffee with friends, a cinema outside, a game of cards, a dance class) also help those at risk to keep the oblivion of degenerative diseases at bay.

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