On the occasion of Hawkeye ‘s release on Disney + , Panini Comics presents the comics to read before seeing the series , so as to get to know the archer who never fails and his companion in adventures. These readings will help to grasp even more the various references, jokes and easter eggs present within the show, available from today on the streaming service.
The series tells the adventures of Clint Barton after the events of Avengers Endgame , in a mixture of normality, new friends and new enemies , all accompanied by a Christmas season that seasons everything. We have written the review of the first two episodes, available at this link , which surprises and amuses all viewers.
But what is life like outside of the Avengers, out of combat, fighting with an ex-girlfriend, an ex-wife, a current “friend” and a young girl who is extremely talented with the bow ? These are the premises for the volume Hawk’s Eye – Normal Life , signed by Matt Fraction, David Aja and a group of incredible artists, which narrates the “quiet” everyday life of the superhero when he does not fight intergalactic threats.
When two Hawkeyes, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, find themselves in the same city , the clash is inevitable, especially as it becomes more generational, between the old and the new , in search of a balance. Jeff Lemire and Ramón Pérez take up the baton of Fraction and Aja by writing Hawkeye: Hawkeye , an exciting story in which the adventures of the two superheroes are told.
Marvel-Verse: Clint Barton & Kate Bishop – Hawkeye is the collection of the best stories of the two characters, where it is also explained why they both have the same title , despite being two completely different people. The best place to start, especially after watching the various MCU movies.
Focused more on the new heroine, Hawkeye: Kate Bishop and Hawkeye: Si Aim a Ovest are two volumes following the adventures of the newcomer who tries to open a detective agency , to continue her work. Too bad that every customer asks her as soon as she walks in if she really is Hawkeye, since everyone knows Clint Barton better.
The adventures of Hawkeye continue on Disney +, with the Hawkeye series available starting today for all who have an active subscription.
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