Happy New Year greetings phrases for WhatsApp: images and text

Happy New Year greetings phrases for WhatsApp: images and text

Are you looking for original phrases to wish Happy New Year? You are in the right place! To celebrate the arrival of the new year, this page has collected the most beautiful Happy New Year phrases to send via WhatsApp or to share on social networks.

In this New Year 2022 , even a simple sentence can be an appreciated thought.

To send the sentences , just copy the text and paste it into the message.

To send images with text , on the other hand, you must first save them on your mobile phone (by clicking at length on the photo and then on “save”) and then send it as a normal photograph via message on WhatsApp.

NB A tip : if you plan to send one or more phrases on New Year’s Eve, bookmark this page. This way, on New Year’s Eve you won’t have to waste time finding it again.

Ps. Have you thought about congratulating yourself with a video? Watch here: Happy New Year Video for WhatsApp

Happy New Year phrases

  1. May 2022 bring you and your family peace, love and lots of health! Best wishes for the new year, and may it be the best ever for you!
  2. The new year is like a book with 365 blank pages… make your masterpiece every day, use all the colors of life and as you write… Smile! Happy 2022!
  3. Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, basins, basins, basins… on New Year’s Eve together with counting the last seconds that divide us from the new year .. Greetings my love, happy new year!
  4. To you, who are the center of my world … Happy New Year!
  5. Since lentils bring money, if I paid you in lentils for this year, would you have any objections? Have a good year!
  6. My friend, we will not spend New Year’s Eve together, I will be far away, but I will make a toast under the stars thinking of you and it will seem to me to be in your company and I will wish you all the good in the world. Have a good year!
  7. May you live super 12 months! Happy New Year and Happy New Year!
  8. That life which is a beautiful thing is not the life that is known, but that which is not known; not the past life, but the future. With the new year, chance will begin to treat you and me and all the others well, and a happy life will begin. It’s not true? (Giacomo Leopardi)
  9. This wish is a box full of love, wrapped with joy, sealed with a smile and sent with a kiss. Have a good year!
  10. The best hugs are yet to come. Don’t give up now and get ready to hold me again. Happy 2022!
  11. Happy New Year my friends! Leave the good intentions aside, and let’s think about drinking …
  12. May 2022 be like a smile for you all 12 months and like a dream from which you will never want to wake up! Best wishes are for you and your family.
  13. What do I ask for in the new year 2022? The damage for 2021 …
  14. Given how 2021 went, I would prefer to see a trailer in 2022 first. Have a good year!
  15. A special Happy New Year wishes to you, who have made my life special.
  16. Let’s leave sadness, regrets and sad moments behind! May the new year bring only happiness, joy and hope. Happy New Year!
  17. An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year. A pessimist stays up  until  midnight  to make sure the old year has passed. Best wishes… regardless of your location!
  18. You are my last thought this year and the first of the new year. Happy New Year!
  19. This wish is a box full of love, wrapped with joy, sealed with a smile and sent with a kiss. Have a good year!
  20. May it be a special year for you, full of happiness, serenity and love. Happy New Year!
  21. The important thing is to leave behind all the setbacks and pains and carry on only the good things and the memories. May this new year be a year to remember for you and your family, full of joy and serenity. Best wishes!
  22. Greetings are sincere even if the sentences can always seem the same. A big hug and a Happy New Year!
  23. Let’s toast to the new year, may it be as bubbly for you as the champagne you will drink! Best wishes!
  24. Another year is ending while another is leaving. To you all my wishes for wonderful future days. Happy New Year!
  25. Beauty… Health… Joy… Happiness… Trust! This is the start of your new year! Happy 2021!
  26. Night of bangs night of bangs sincere wishes are never too many a thousand kisses with many pops before the line unfortunately freezes! Happy New Year!
  27. It is not the destination that matters, but the journey. I wish you to enjoy every day of this adventure called life. Happy New Year!

<img class="size-full wp-image-1625 aligncenter entered exited" src="data:;base64,” alt=”new year images with lettering” width=”65″ height=”65″ data-lazy-src=”https://messaggimania.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/immagini-capodanno-con-scritte.jpg” />

Happy New Year Images

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