Hair loss? One cause is diet

Hair loss? One cause is diet

hairAn article that appeared in these hours points the finger at an unbalanced diet as one of the causes for hair loss, especially in men. Of course, it was well known that hair and nutrition were in a certain way connected: people who experience significant weight loss or are on a continuous low-calorie diet will have weakened hair, easy to fall out among the unwanted effects of a slowed metabolism. The health of the scalp, nails and skin is the first thing that is compromised when the body no longer receives its nutritional optimum: wanting to save the boat, or our body, it is easier to get rid of the sustenance of the “ballast”. What is important to us, a healthy hair, a firm and hydrated skin,for the body it loses importance if the calories are lowered (1), and if it does not receive adequate nutrients from the macro and micro diet (2).
But now, two London-based specialists explain one of the reasons why many people experience progressive scalp weakness and hair loss. It all lies in the diet, and in the fact that we assume the wrong things about what a “healthy diet” should be. Eating healthy, what will it ever mean? Are we sure what it means to cut meat, cut carbohydrates, binge on fruit, vegetables and smoothies? A distortion of the interpretation of some studies, over the years,has convinced people that a low-calorie diet, with few cheeses, very little meat and many vegetables, is always the best thing to do for their health. Some denials of these studies can be found here , here and here

Eating healthy just means giving our body all the nutrients it needs.In particular, the consumption of meat would be important for the health of our hair, which therefore should not be completely eliminated from the diet according to Lisa Caddy and Philip Kingsley, two London-based trichologists. Meat, and especially red meat, is particularly important for its ferritin content, which helps the body make a protein for hair bulbs. Those with ferritin deficiency, i.e. fertile women and those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, will experience a weakening of the scalp and in some cases hair loss.
The two experts also recommend avoiding all forms of stress, from life to the table: no diets, no cuts in calories and food, no restrictions of any kind. Only in this way can we brush our hair without the fear that too many will fall on the sink!

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