Goji Berries and Acai Berries: Do They Lose Weight?

Goji Berries and Acai Berries: Do They Lose Weight?

Goji berries are very popular, small red / orange Chinese fruits, similar to dried currants, which we were told to be rare, and which are now found in all organic shops and chain supermarkets.

Hoping that fashion hasn’t affected quality, Goji berries have many interesting properties: they are immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant fruits.

They also restore cellular water balance, that is, they ensure that the cells are not emptied of water, which is why by eating goji berries the skin immediately appears brighter, more compact and toned.

goji berries and acai berries


As we have seen , Goji berries are real superfruits that especially after the age of 4 should not be missing in our diet. But, contrary to what many people believe, goji berries are not weight loss.

So far, only one study has linked goji berry consumption to weight loss. In the study, it was found that only athletes who trained daily at a professional level, if they ate 30 grams of berries per day, tended to lose more body fat than those who did not. But also of those who took them without training.

Other studies speak of benefits, such as the antioxidant, which can indirectly promote weight loss in those suffering from metabolic syndrome, acting positively on the liver and on the tendency to accumulate fat around the abdomen, but only if you were on a low-calorie diet and he trained at least half an hour a day.
So in this case, if anything, they act as adjuvants.

Let’s now look at another superfruit which is always a berry. That is the berries of Açai ( Asai ). Due to their scarce availability, these berries are not easily found in supermarkets. In fact, originally they are berries native to the Amazon rainforest, which is their natural habitat. This means that their price is also high compared to Goji berries, which today are grown in China, Vietnam, Thailand.

Açai berries have a characteristic purple color that is given by the antiocians, vegetable pigments that have antioxidant and anticancer properties and that can reduce cholesterol.


Açai berries are rich in vitamin C and counteract water retention. They are therefore slimming adjuvants but also in this case they do not make you lose weight if we do not correct the diet.

it means that if you are already on a diet, Acai berries can help you lose weight, but not alone, they have many other benefits but they are not the Eternal Father . Compared to Goji berries, Acai berries also reduce blood sugar, but it is also true that to achieve this effect, according to a study, you should eat 100 grams per day.
It would mean spending between 30 and 50 euros a day on berries alone.

So as we have seen, neither goji berries nor açai berries can help you lose weight without diet and activity, but they are two beauty elixirs that can boost our immune system.
So, if we want to increase the immune system, we take half a teaspoon of goji powder and half a teaspoon of açai powder in the morning, together with breakfast, perhaps mixing them in a yogurt.

See also: antioxidant goji tea

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