Gluten, other opinions

Gluten, other opinions

Hello, I am being treated by a nutritionist, in the last meeting I told you to notice for some time now a lot of abdominal tension and perennial swelling in the abdomen. We have eliminated the yeast and she now told me to eliminate the pasta because it contains gluten and insert spelled, barley and other cereals to see my problem is related to a gluten intolerance. I asked her if I could take gluten-free pasta and she said no because it contains a high glycemic index. But sorry, do not spelled, barley etc also contain gluten? Can you clarify my ideas? Thanks

Health Answers

Hello, as you say they contain gluten, try to use rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat … and for your safety also ask a doctor for a diagnosis and to rule out non-functional problems. Greetings

Eugenio Luca cats
The first thing to clarify is that diet deprivation is not the solution. It is not necessary to be blazoned to remove foods that even a child who has not even attended kindergarten would be able to remove already after the second discomfort in the face of recruitment. Taking away food would be like going to the gym to remove weights from the scale …. the more you remove the weights, the better you do to lift the bar but you are getting weaker. The result is that other burdens will then have to be removed … This is why by removing food over time you become intolerant to other substances. The weaning of the newborn is precisely the solicitation and training of the intestine to know how to become inflamed and burned out in order to digest increasingly complex and inflammatory food molecules. The greater the ability to process increasingly complex digestions, the stronger the digestive system, which consequently will be able to perform all its functions in the best possible way, i.e. all body physiologies. I remember that the intestine is our FIRST brain and is involved in any activity that occurs in our body, even the brain !!! The problem is not the food, but the person who cannot digest that food. I assure you that celiac disease is cured, and all allergies and intolerances are resolved. Obviously, you need to know body physiology very well and not follow intentionally deviant and deleterious dictates dictated by superior interests. I eat gluten and it doesn’t hurt me. but for example to my daughter when she was still celiac and anticipation for the incredulous she did several gastroscopies to keep it confirmed, gluten on contact immediately filled her with extensive erythema. Now after 18 years of studies,

Eugenio Luca cats
Celiac disease affects about 400,000 people in Italy. These fuel economic interests on the part of the producers of foods for celiacs. Not understanding that the cause of the symptoms are not foods, which are NOT poisons, but intestinal weakness, they are condemned to an exasperating control of the diet, fearing any contact with gliadin, a banal gluten protein, which inflames ALL the intestines, not only those of celiacs. It is very difficult to make celiacs understand that they can heal by simply strengthening the intestine. They have closed themselves in their own world made up of particular recipes, of shops where they sell their products, restaurants, etc, but the true celiacs, those who have atrophy of the villi, despite the deprivation diet, after years begin to show symptoms of pathologies, such as depression, epilepsy, headaches, infertility in women and polycystic ovary. Therefore, not solving the problem of an inability to manage the inflammation produced by gliadin leads to disease states. Why do the villi atrophy? The paneth cells of the villus have the task of secreting “defensins” (small peptides) which protect the adjacent stem cells (also in the villus). In this way, when a villus cell dies, a stem cell takes its place. The secretion of these defensins is controlled by a bacterial strain, of the bacteroid family. A book could be written on this family of anaerobic strains, which are very important to us. For example, being thin or fat depends ONLY on the ratio of firmicuts to bacteroids, not on the calories introduced. Bacteroids are responsible for the fermentation of FOS, they have antennae with which they perceive the external environment, independently of our sense organs, modifying protein structures of the mucosal membrane. Luckily they are like ivy, they have very strong mechanisms to stay in our intestine, but the stupidity of man, associated with ignorance and arrogance, has no limit. So in many pathologies we have managed to reduce their number. In this way, it has been known and reported for years in the literature (whoever makes science should know), the defensins are no longer produced and the villus atrophies. If I restore these strains, the villi are reactivated, as amply demonstrated by studies where the microbiota of obese mice is inoculated into germ-free mice, and these become obese, while if I inoculate the microbiota of lean mice, they remain lean. Incidentally, germ-free, they are obtained by keeping the mice in a sterile environment after birth, but these are very small, fragile and weak, if a microbiota is not inoculated they do not survive. Microbiota transplants have also been done recently, putting the microbiota of a lean mouse into an obese one, this begins to lose weight. This is not surprising, given that the director of the Washington Genome Institute wrote that we are more characterized by the DNA of our microbes (which provide us with 4 million gene units vs our 24,000 !!!) than to that of our cells. There is a lot of confusion today about what celiac disease is, it has even been argued that a celiac can be obese. Perhaps because the important thing is to label it so that it becomes a customer of the producers of foods for celiacs. There he is also the one who argues that everyone should eat gluten-free. Supporting him helps to make a career, given that Fasano also writes it, who runs a large center in the USA on celiac disease.

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