Gluten free pizza with buckwheat and low GI

Gluten free pizza with buckwheat and low GI


gluten free pizza with buckwheat and low ig

Gluten free pizza with buckwheat and low GI
Author:  D
Type of recipe:  First courses
A pizza without yeast and without cereals, but with only buckwheat and a low glycemic index, which I make in a pan in a few minutes when I feel like pizza (but no desire for digestive problems that real pizza gives me: I can practically eat it). The calories are few, and the result is a pizza in a pan that is easy and seasoned with whatever you want. I recommend fresh tomatoes cut into small pieces, mushrooms already sautéed in a pan, two tablespoons of lean ricotta or two thin slices of provola, basil, salt and pepper, a tablespoon of parmesan cheese to top it all off. A condiment that does not exceed 150 calories. The pizza itself has just under 150, and I must say it is very satisfying.
  • For two pizzas:
  • 50 grams of buckwheat flour (170 Kcal)
  • 2 tablespoons of low-fat non-fat yogurt (10 Kcal)
  • one egg (70 calories)
  • a pinch of baking soda
  • salt and pepper
  • 2-3 tablespoons of warm water
  1. Take the buckwheat flour and mix it with the yogurt, water and egg, add a pinch of baking soda, which will make the dough fluffy (if it seems a little creamy, add more warm water), then add salt and pepper. In the meantime, heat a non-stick pan and pour the mixture in spoonfuls, working with a spoon to level the dough. After three or four minutes, turn it with the help of a spatula and after half a minute arrange the ingredients on top and cover with the lid, lowering the flame, for another two to three minutes. Your gluten free pizza is done. The doses are for two people.

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