Gift ideas for fitness: exercise equipment and more

Gift ideas for fitness: exercise equipment and more

slimmingfitness“From tomorrow the gym!” it is a phrase that you will have heard or perhaps even thought, hoping that in addition to time you will also have the desire to dedicate yourself to fitness. To do such a thing there would be only advantages: for example a fit body , a better metabolism and the possibility of eating even more without getting fat, but staying lean and toned. But if you really don’t want to join the gym, hopefully they will at least give you these gifts to whet your desire for fitness and bring out the sportsman in you . Or give one of these things to those who should go on a diet and do some exercise: in some cases they are not tools but small objects that can make the idea of ​​physical activity less heavy and distant from us. For example…
1) THE STEP COUNTER BRACELET: also called a smart bracelet, it is a bracelet that allows you to count your steps in order to ensure a workout of at least ten thousand steps, the equivalent of a walk of almost two hours. A simple way, through the calorie expenditure that is counted there, to know how much you consume while walking. See also: walking to lose weight 

2) SLIMMING SHOES: the original MBTs are expensive but the only ones that people talk about real effectiveness on. On the internet many competitors at all prices, even twenty euros. How do they work? They improve posture and therefore allow you to keep legs, buttocks and abdomen in constant tension. For a more toned body and a few pounds less if you walk on it often. Here is my articleon slimming shoes.
3) THE ABDO GAIN: for those wishing to have more toned abs, a welcome gift could be the abdogain, a kind of hollow chair on which to do the exercises, as I explain  here .
4) DUAL SHAPER: I gave the dual shaper, the vibrating and massaging belt that thins the belly. On Amazon you can also find it for less than thirty euros, and it allows you to tone your abs without doing them 🙂 as I explain here .
5) THE SLIMMING SUIT: I don’t really like these infernal garments, but they are useful if you wear them by putting a reducing or anti-cellulite cream, in case of localized adiposity. To give to those who perform gymnastics at home and suffer from orange peel in the buttocks / thighs area. The price varies from 15 to 50 euros. I’m talking about it here .
6) THE STEPPER : this too, useful for those who want to start doing gymnastics at home. The stepper ensures some simple aerobics and is suitable for everyone, even beginners. It is an already important gift as it is a real exerciser. The ministepper costs about fifty euros, the classic models at least double.

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