Get back in shape according to Dcomedieta

Get back in shape according to Dcomedieta

As I promised you in recent days, back from the holidays I will “reveal” my plan to get back in shape in two weeks , losing up to three kilos on average with a very simple scheme that I implement when I have exaggerated a bit during the holidays or the holidays.
It is a cyclical ketogenic diet , with one day off in which carbohydrates can be eaten, reducing fats a little, which will instead be high during the week.

To do this, there are some rules to observe: you cannot do very intense physical activity, but about an hour at most three times a week or half an hour every day. Running and other prolonged aerobic activities are to be avoided. On the day off, you can eat whatever you like, but without overdoing it or eating badly. Plan a meal out, and for the rest of the day just indulge in small treats.
For maintenance as mentioned in other times for ketogenic diets you can adjust as follows:the week following that of the diet, then the third, you can eat a 150 g fruit of your choice. The next week, a slice of bread and the fruit. The week still, two slices of bread or 50 grams of pasta and 200 grams of fruit. Then you can eat as you want, but if you are sedentary, try not to exceed this carbohydrate quota (wholemeal bread or a handful of oats in the morning, half a plate of pasta or cereals and two fruit snacks) avoiding where possible sugar and indulging in one dessert a week.
So let’s see Dcomedieta’s scheme to get back in shape in 2 weeks on page two.

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