Genshin Impact is preparing to arrive at its version 2.3 and the news are many, we are faced with an unprecedented case: the first double banner of limited evocations, where we would have the possibility to search for Eula or Albedo , both at their first rerun , as well as to the announcements of new characters in the previous days. So let’s find out who should be summoned if you haven’t decided yet, analyzing the characters from the point of view of their roles, simplicity of builds and possible formations.
Roles and Skills
First of all, let’s start by saying that the two characters proposed are not completely poles apart but almost: on the one hand we have Eula, a leading physical attacker , selfish as never before and who needs a particular focus to be played; on the other we have Albedo, a Sub-DPS that uses its own Geo type to support teammates with Off-Field damage and acts as a battery and “crystallizer”, suitable for various compositions.
Starting from the latter, Albedo has the possibility to use his elemental ability to create an area where to apply constant damage over time , even if we had to change characters; another peculiarity is the possibility of using the same elemental ability to gain altitude with a character, since the flower generated by the elemental ability will rise when a character of your team passes over it, taking off in flight. To this must be added the Albedo burst ability: it will generate an explosion in front of it and will resonate with the Geo constructs present in the field, such as the flower of the elemental ability discussed above or the Zhongli pillar, but on this we we will come back later.
For its part, Eula has nothing as complex as resonances, constructs or crystallizations, but simply give, give and more damage. The dancer is a brawler, she wants to stay on the pitch and keep hitting: yet, although she may seem an “ignorant” playstyle, she is the more complex of the two (and in general of all Genshin Impact); just like a dancer we will have to know how to take the timesand merry-go-round them in our rotations, since it takes just a single timing of an ability to be misdirected to waste all the damage potential that Eula can offer. Starting from its elemental ability, this will need to be charged (like Lisa’s elemental ability) using it twice with “single press”: by doing so, we will generate stacks that will be released when we use the elemental ability with a long press. The stacks can be a maximum of two, and for this the basic rotation will be: elemental ability (single press) – basic attack combo – elemental ability (single press) – basic attack combo – elemental ability (long press).
Let’s take a second paragraph to discuss Eula’s burst ability , which deserves particular attention: it will launch a Cryo-type attack in front of us, later creating a sword of light that will follow us for seven seconds; at the end of the time, it will explode inflicting huge physical damage to the enemies around us, directly proportional to the amount of attacks we will have unleashedat that juncture of time. And here we go back to the timing issue, since now it will not matter so much the extent of the damage that we are going to unleash in those seven seconds, but the number of blows; Eula’s elemental ability will serve as a combo reset, as well as damage, since launching it at the right time will allow you to cancel the recall animations of the basic attacks at the end of the combo and restart more quickly. The time recovered is about half a second, but considering that the charges of the sword of light can be applied every 0.1 seconds and considering the standard deviation of the time between one basic attack and the other, that would mean launching 2.6 basic attacks more.
Artifacts (according to the current version of Genshin Impact)
Statistics to Search
After this math lesson to better understand how Eula works, let’s move on to the core speech of almost all the characters of Genshin Impact : how simply can you build? Rightly we must consider the time to spend to invest in each of the characters and on how much it is worth investing in relation to the need we have. If we consider Albedo as the first, the latter is quite accessible , and this is determined by the fact that, like his colleague Noelle, he really exploits any feature well: he too can convert DEF% into damage, and despite the benefits of Crit Rate and Crit DMG, these are not essential in the main characteristics of the artifacts, but also only as secondary characteristics. The one main feature I would recommend is to look for GEO Damage on the Goblet , as this will maximize the damage you will apply with your abilities.
As for Eula instead , the speech is much simpler, but unfortunately only in words. Like any Genshin Impact DPS, you can’t help but look for:
- ATK%Â on the Sands
- Physical DMGÂ on the Goblet
- Crit Rate / DMGÂ on the Circlet
as main features. Obviously this makes everything much slower, since the other characteristics to look for among the secondary ones will be (in order of importance):
- Crit Rate / DMG
- Energy Recharge
- ATK%
Each of these characteristics must be sought slavishly, in order to satisfy some basic requirements to make Eula perform at its best: over 50% of Crit Rate and 150% of Crit DMG essential for each Attacker, it will be necessary to have at least 120 of Energy Recharge , otherwise all the damage rotation discussed above will be just a distant dream.
Recommended sets
As for the Sets, the speech is more linear: on Albedo the top would be the two pieces of Noblesse Oblige to increase the damage of the burst ability, combined with two pieces of Archaic Petra to ultimately increase the Geo damage, as shown in the image above. Eula instead bases everything on physical damage and combos, ergo the Pale Flame is its guilty pleasure: in addition to the enhancement of physical damage, with all 4 pieces of the set you will get the possibility to accumulate stacks that will increase the damage of our attacks during the fight; if we then consider the reset times of this feature together with the timing of the Eula rotation, we realize that the two have a perfect synergy.
Formations and Teams
Who to match based on Genshin Impact meta
Let’s now move on to the part that will have the greatest influence on the decision of who to summon within this new banner of Genshin Impact: in which formations does my character play well? If we start from Albedo, this is very close to the concept of a jolly safe-pick, that is, with some foresight he plays  well in many formations , but in particular it is always advisable to combine him with another Geo character , preferably Ninnguang or Noelle as top Attackers. ; beyond that, Bennet always works well with Albedo as he can enhance the damage our Sub-DPS Geo will deal by entering the field and casting elemental abilities and bursts to follow.
Alternatively, another interesting pairing can be a team built entirely around Xiao as the Forward, with Albedo, Zhongli and Bennet in tow; here too the burst damage turns out to be very high between Albedo and Zhongli, while Xiao will benefit greatly from the combo Bennet + Geo resonance + Zhongli’s shield / crystallizations, and where Albedo will have the task of reloading Xiao’s burst ability thanks to his skills as a battery , to always allow maximum damage output.
As for Eula, on the other hand, the situation is much more delicate and without too many loopholes once again. Eula needs an Electro memberin team, to meet his need for energy through the particles and to activate the elemental reaction Superconduct which will decrease from the Physical Resistance of the enemies. The best choice is undoubtedly the Raiden Shogun, who through her ability can upgrade and reduce the cost of Eula’s burst ability; alternatively, another interesting choice could be Fischl, due to its ability to apply Electro damage also Off-Field through its burst and its function as a battery. If you want to opt for a Cryo resonance in combo with Eula, you have to decide between a more safe pick and a more offensive one, in this case represented by Diona and Rosaria respectively. The first is a Cryo battery that offers shields and heals to our attacker, while the second significantly affects the damage output, as it can increase the team’s Crit Rate; if the 6th constellation of Rosaria is then placed, the damage will be greatly amplified by the possibility of our priestess to reduce the physical resistance of the enemies, then giving way to the noble dancer to finish anyone who dares to face her.
Our guide now comes to an end: we remind you that on Genshin Impact any character can work, in a more or less efficient way, if correctly built and managed within a composition, so feel free to experiment as you prefer, trying new builds and ways to play every single character. We hope we have cleared up the doubts for those who have had any regarding the differences between these two characters, and we wish you the best of luck in the gacha system!
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