General Hygiene Issues and Tips
Hygiene is one of the most important things that should be considered but today it is the most neglected one. Nutrition science basically works for the development of healthy nation and population and it is directly related to hygiene. As most of the microbes develops and proliferate in the unhygienic conditions so unhygienic conditions is the main cause of spreading of diseases. The first thing that we can do is to keep check on the cleanliness and hygiene because only in this way we can dwindle down the increasing rate of diseases in the society. In this article, we will deal with some general tips and also with those that are important from the health point of view.
Safety Guidelines for Personal Hygiene:
Following are some general tips for the personal hygiene that may guide you a more:
Keep yourself, kitchen surfaces and the places that you use to sit and eat, neat and clean.
Wash your hands before and after eating. Clean and wash the cooking utensils and the equipment helping in cooking before and after handling. And ensure that after the wash the utensils go dry because most of the minerals get deposited along with dust if the water stays in them.
Protect raw food from pathogens and infection causing organism and place them in a place that is away from moisture and direct sunlight to avoid their spoilage and deterioration as the most of fungus and bacterial growth requires such conditions.
Protect the cooked food also from insects and flies and keep it covered when not using as this helps to prevent the dust and other foreign particles from entering into the food.
Keep vegetables and fruits away from the cooked and raw foods as we know that vegetables and fruits are rapidly perishable so once they are spoiled they start spoiling the things nearby by producing toxins and other types of harmful gases along with producing moisture.
Always use separate knives for fruits, vegetables and meat products. As we know that when we use a common knife for cutting the fruits and vegetables it spoils the flavor and odor of the other thing.
Wash fruits and vegetables well when you are using them in raw form. It is the most important to wash them before eating as when they are picked up from the fields they are heavily loaded with pesticides and some other chemicals that have hazardous effects on the human health.
Always use safe and clean water for drinking and cooking purpose. Most of the E.coli bacteria get entered into the human body through the contaminated water when it is drunk. So the assurity of the water cleanliness is most important.
It is recommended to use water after boiling even when it is cleaned with filters because there is a chance that the bacteria may escape the filter and may enter your body.
Use fresh vegetable oil for cooking ever. Don’t use it when it is used for about one to three times as it is transformed into trans. fats on elevated heat level.
Always purchase good quality and packed fat and seed oil from market and avoid purchasing the unpacked oil from vendors as there is no assurance of its hygiene and good quality.
Cook food thoroughly especially meat, egg and fish. When the semi-cooked meat is eaten it leads to many digestive system problems e.g diarrohea, botulism etc.
Store the leftovers of food in safe place and at optimum temperature as in refrigerators the food is kept for the purpose of safety.
Refrigerate and freeze the food according to recommended safety guidelines and prescriptions by food experts.
Reheat the leftovers of food thoroughly until it is hot completely before serving.
Don’t over-cook vegetables to retain essential nutrients as when they are over-cooked nutrients are lost.
Always use fresh food and don’t use oil and spoiled food.
Keep food wastes in a container with cover to avoid the contact of life and disposing off quickly.
So, in a nut-shell, by following the above guidelines, hygiene can be achieved.
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