With this first issue we are going to introduce  GameWare:  this will be a new series of monthly articles in which we will talk about PC hardware ranging between the various types and various contexts. In this debut article we will examine the category of processors, focusing more precisely on those of the economic range. If you are looking for a guide on which components to choose to upgrade, or perhaps to build your new PC from scratch, you are absolutely in the right place.
So let’s start with the category: In this article we propose  four entry level processors (0-100 euros), where the first three are part of the large  Intel family, while the last one we will examine is one of the old  AMD CPUs .
These are therefore the four processors that we recommend, obviously included in the price range we talked about at the beginning. Obviously these data are updated to today’s date, but if you have a few more months of time, you could also wait and make your choice turn elsewhere, for example at the release of the new low-end AMD Ryzen CPUs ( Ryzen 3 ). We therefore give you an appointment at our second issue of Gameware, which will focus on….
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