Fundamentals of naturopathy

Fundamentals of naturopathy

The Naturopathic point of view …

Fundamentals of naturopathy


> We are not a “ONE” ie mind and body are linked, connected to each other; our emotions and our reactions on the physical plane cannot be separated.

>  Each symptom is a message that wants to tell us something, for this reason, the work of the Naturopath is not and is not limited to the suppression of a symptom but works on the search for the causes that caused it (CAUSALISM) to solve any problems and / or reach or bring back to equilibrium (HOMEOSTASIS).

> Each of us has a strength, an Intelligent Vital Energy , which can be more or less high (Vitalism) and which must be brought to a level that allows us to feel good on a psycho-physical level and that, when balanced, is able to intervene on our imbalances and to activate a process of tracing back to homeostasis.


The activity of the naturopath, the three levels

The assessment of the individual’s overall state of well-being takes place through;

  • Use of treatment methods and elaboration of Naturopathic advice for the implementation of a personalized wellness program also through the use of natural remedies;
  • Development of individual, family and social education methods.

The professional Naturopath, working independently, provides advice through education on the principles of natural nutrition, lifestyles “according to nature” , the use of phyto-nutritional supplements and therefore plays a role of primary importance also in the field of prevention active.

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