From shiatsu to Integral Health
Linda-Grace Mosselman is responsible for Santè: an integral health center that represents a synthesis between the western and the eastern approach. Here is a virtuous example that takes place in India.

Linda-Grace Mosselman is in charge of Santè , an integral health center in South India. Bright and elegant, she is an example of “peanut”, a nickname with which, with a lot of self-irony, the Dutch of Indonesian origin define themselves.
The inhabitants of the city are happy to entrust her with their health , and she, on the other hand, spends a lot of time with them talking about all aspects of their life, regularly, even touching on topics such as dreams and other personal details even before dealing with the medical problem in a more circumscribed way. We interviewed her.
Linda-Grace can you tell us something about yourself and your path?
For about ten years I was an assistant doctor, following diabetes cases and doing minor surgeries, but I realized that the mere orthodox approach of Western medicine was never complete .
Therefore I decided to study Traditional Chinese Medicine ,  acupressure and other soft and non-invasive therapies, as is the case with the use of needles and other tools.
This approach has been, over time, a pillar of my medical philosophy.
I studied for 9 years at the European Shiatsu Academy, but something was still wrong: I worked together with doctors of all kinds and with physiotherapists, psychologists, but there was no real syncretic and holistic approach.
So it was that in 2011, in Auroville, I decided to join a medical team as a psychotherapist and Chinese medicine therapist. Gradually I managed to transform this willing but simple team into a real integral health institution .
I became part of the management and made many fundraising presentations in 6 countries . It is thanks to this path that Santè now exists and has been active for two years.
Read also What is Holistic Medicine >>
What have you managed to do within the institute of integral medicine?
We are demonstrating which team is needed to create integral health centers and it is a winning experiment. Everything is handled by 17 people including the receptionists.
The team is made up of nurses, homeopaths, psychologists, Ayurvedic doctors, acupressure experts, allopathic doctors, masseurs, urologists, hypnotherapists and other probationary or transient figures from which to learn.
The whole thing has grown a lot in two years and is continuing to grow through the practice of integrated medicine, which, from personal experience in the field, I can say that rarely happens elsewhere due to the difficulty of organization.
Similar examples can be found around but never in the form of an institution recognized by the municipality. Regularly the whole group of therapists meets to exchange inputs and impressions on each individual patient.
This combination of approaches works, and we have proven that the same health problem in different individuals disappears thanks to different solutions , found through a combined treatment agreed by the team of therapists.
In addition to the care of individual patients, Santè, as an integral medicine institution, also deals with research, insurance and health coverage for all, education (for citizens and the team) through the organization of workshops, publications and presentations.
What does the patient represent for you?
As Philip of Acarnania said, the doctor restores the balance of the entire cosmos every day through the patient . The patient is treated in his totality, if you reduce yourself to working on the material body, you do not remove the true cause of the disease .
It is a question of finding the cause of the imbalance, which can be in the mind, in the emotions, in the subconscious, even in the case of chronic illnesses. It is all about making the parts that are not conscious aware.
We have no idea what happens in our subconscious , it is material immersed in a consciousness that acts and pursues its purposes with a kind of coherence that we do not know how to interpret, something that we would call chaos or chance.
The accumulation of elements rejected by the common consciousness makes us vulnerable and at the first shock or attack of stress or moment of weakness , something passes through the meshes of our immune system. This is the moment when bacteria from outside can enter and take root.
But when we are conscious and balanced, we can stop the bacteria in the atmosphere in time . When our life is out of balance we unconsciously recall illnesses and accidents. By clearing the mind and consciousness we can resonate with the right frequencies.
On the other hand we are composed of 70% water and it is known that water can respond to vibrations. When something in our subconscious resonates badly and invokes disease, consciousness is the best medicine.
Acquiring consciousness would then seem to be true integral medicine
Behind every imbalance and every subconscious demon there is a formless energy, a force, the same one that forms our DNA, and becoming gradually aware of this makes us capable, if forced, to withstand the subconscious chaos in its eruptions.
Those imprinting will then pass to the scrutiny of conscience and we will decide whether to follow them or not. What emerges from the subconscious must be known and accepted, otherwise the body becomes ill .
The body follows the movement of the mind and emotions: if these are sick the body will also become vulnerable, and an unbalanced mind or spirit cannot restore balance .
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