Foods to avoid with stomach pain

Foods to avoid with stomach pain



Stomach upside down? Stomach pain can be a momentary disturbance caused by indigestion, from taking medications and supplements, for example when taken on an empty stomach, or as a symptom of intestinal problems such as gastritis.

In this case, in addition to the pain, we will have heartburn .
Other disorders related to stomach pain are colic, nausea and a feeling of weakness, headache and chills, fever.

Nutrition can obviously help us reduce discomfort.
There are foods to avoid with stomach pain and foods that can come to our aid instead.


When the attack is violent, a mild diet is recommended first .
That is a diet based on semi-solid foods such as low-fiber vegetable creams, for example pumpkin or zucchini, of easily digestible solid foods such as white rice, basmati rice or pasta in white, toast , bananas, apples cooked without peel, lean cuts of meat or fish cooked in steam or with other light cooking.

Among the liquids, those richer in minerals but with a soothing action are preferred, such as filtered apple juice, a filtered meat or vegetable broth and coconut water. Or a lemon balm herbal tea or a decoction of fennel seeds, which have a mitigating action, are perfect.

Meals should be light, small but frequent. Large and high-calorie meals should be avoided.
It is also important to stay hydrated. However, you shouldn’t drink large quantities of liquids all at once, limiting yourself to frequent small sips throughout the day.

Instead, let’s see what are the foods to avoid with stomach pain.

In the event that the pain returns after a few days by consuming foods that contain gluten or lactose, it is good to do some tests to see if there are intolerances.

If the symptoms persist regardless of diet or drugs, there are no intolerances and you do not suffer from gastritis, it is good to make immediate checks.
We may have food poisoning.


Foods to avoid with stomach pain belong to three broad categories.

Fatty and difficult to digest foods, acidic foods and foods rich in fiber.

These three categories have characteristics that irritate a weakened stomach. For example, excess fat slows digestion, acidic foods contribute to burning, foods rich in fiber irritate the gastric mucosa.

Clearly, those foods that contain seeds should also be temporarily avoided. For example kiwis, but also flax or chia seeds, seeds added in biscuits, crackers or bread.

If stomach pain is associated with intestinal colic, and this problem occurs regularly, a gluten-free diet and / or a lactose-free diet can be tried.

  1. For the first category we have: fatty cheeses, especially whole milk, non-skimmed dairy products, ice cream, milk creams, red meat, sausages, fatty or smoked fish, sauces and condiments, avocado, coconut, fried food, oleaginous fruit, eggs, whole yogurt .
  2. In the second category we will find : citrus fruits, red fruits, kiwis, tomatoes, regular coffee or tea, chocolate and cocoa, grapes, pineapple, drinks with caffeine.
  3. For the third category : raw vegetables, peeled fruit, raw winter fruit (apples, pears), whole foods of all kinds, legumes.

In addition to these categories, the following should be avoided: fizzy drinks, hot spices, alcohol, foods that are too sugary that can cause intestinal fermentation, crucifers, i.e. broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onion and garlic.

So for breakfast we can opt for decaffeinated tea without lemon with non-wholemeal rice cakes or with a slice of toast or with non-wholemeal rusks if we are not celiac. We can use not jam but apple compote. Better to sweeten the drink with a teaspoon of brown sugar or honey, while avoiding using too much sugar.

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