Foods that speed up metabolism: do they exist?

Foods that speed up metabolism: do they exist?

Is Speeding Up Your Metabolism The Key To Weight Loss?
Yes and no. We can say that having a higher metabolism allows us to eat more without gaining weight, not to lose weight, if not in the short term. Each weight loss is associated with a reduction in metabolism, both in the baseline (from 7 to 11%) and in those daily activities that make us burn calories, such as Neat . So the metabolism is essentially an “elastic” process, which adapts.
If we eat less and lose weight, our metabolism drops.

If we eat more, the metabolism tends to rise: however, raising the metabolism does not mean not getting fat at all!
In short, one cannot think of emptying the fridge without consequences.


It is also not possible to talk about foods that accelerate metabolism in a “stable” way.

There are foods that raise the metabolic expense for a short or very short time, thus allowing us to burn a few more calories.
So why were you talking about foods that speed up metabolism? Because if you are on a diet or want to lose weight, these foods can help you. But bear in mind that every reduction in calories always corresponds to a lowering of the metabolism. Whether I’m on a dietician’s diet that makes me lose weight a few kilos at a time but in good health, or whether I’m on a fast diet.

This in general, ie excluding the effects of training and talking about nutrition only.
If I gain muscle mass, I have a little extra energy expense.

So ultimately: foods that speed up metabolism can be a little help for those who have to go on a diet. Their effectiveness is momentary, it can range from a few minutes to half an hour. Therefore they have no magical effect, prolonged or otherwise.

At the moment there are studies that confirm the validity of some foods in accelerating the metabolism (in the way I have explained to you), and that I will list in this article. Remember, however, that if you want to lose weight, focusing on diet and physical activity in any case will bring you results.

In short, integrating these foods into our diet, especially in some cases, is simply one more trick, but the winning strategy remains one, and I say this in response to all those who write to me asking me for a product that “can burn a lot of calories”.

I add that many supplements on the market that claim the opposite, for example thermogenics , can have significant side effects. These are supplements that combine various ingredients in dry or synthetic extract.
Some of these can be dangerous, such as caffeine or green tea extract, especially for the liver.
Others, such as iodine or tyrosine, can create even serious imbalances in the thyroid, inflaming it.

This is why I want to tell you about foods that speed up metabolism, and not about these more extreme solutions. Because if they can also give results when you take them, health is important. And when you stop taking these products, you will tend to put on weight.

Let’s see the natural answer instead. On page two I list the foods that accelerate metabolism by acting on the so-called “thermal effect”. Without contraindications, apart from the individual tolerability of some foods.

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