Foods that make you lose weight, the must haves of the diet

Foods that make you lose weight, the must haves of the diet

sueperichomaoWhat foods can we focus on to change our lives and become leaner , but at the same time embrace a healthy diet? Of course we should all have the answer, and yet we don’t. There are still many people who get confused, who let themselves be attracted by passing fads and disposable diets, or who think that foods normally full of sugar and additives are healthy and dietary.
I have therefore developed a list of foods that will help you lose weight , and of foods that are harmful but considered harmless.
Fruit and vegetables: there are those who skip fruit and those who eat a portion of vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables are essential if you want to lose weight. There are no fruits and no vegetables: did you know that bananas are great for breakfast, because of their fibers? Strive to eat all fruit and vegetables with a single distinction: that they are in season.
Green tea and oolong tea: special teas for their diuretic and antioxidant properties. One of the “must haves” of your diet. Absolutely recommended.

Whole grains : whole grains, wholemeal bread, pseudocereals (quinoa and amaranth, buckwheat), brown rice and wholemeal pasta. Whole-grain eaters have three more chances of losing weight according to a study.
Whole cheeses and dairy products:let’s prefer them to lean ones to complete our daily fat ration, but without exaggerating. Excellent whole yogurt without sugar, cream without sugar in coffee if we want to treat ourselves well and lose weight (not that spray), a piece of Grana Padano at least twice a week.
Vegetable meals for 2/3 : this is an absolutely effective trick if you want to lose weight. Two-thirds of your meal must consist of vegetables. That is vegetables or fruit. It is a great way to cut calories.
Superfoods:watch out for peanuts and nuts, oilseeds, salmon, tuna, mackerel, eggs, avocado, raw butter, spices, extra virgin olive oil, red fruits, extra dark chocolate, seaweed, oat flakes, fermented foods, oil or butter coconut. All foods that boost your metabolism, defined as superfoods. They should never be missing from your diet.
Rice cakes, breakfast cereals (such as Kellogs), rusks, sugary jams, biscuits and snacks, bars : never start breakfast with these foods.
Fruit yoghurt, fruit drinks, fruit juices: a yoghurt contains up to two and a half tablespoons of hidden sugar, especially if made with fruit. Same thing for many drinks and juices
Artificial sweeteners, light foods, sweetened drinks: do you stock up on these foods? Well done, that’s why you don’t lose weight.
Canned foods, canned foods, with sauces, with additives and preservatives: all chemistry that slows down the metabolism. It doesn’t matter if the vegetable soup over the counter looks attractive and healthy, it’s not a quick way to get fit.

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