Foods that fight water retention

Foods that fight water retention

In the summer, many people find themselves swollen due to the heat which, by pushing the body to sweat more, can dehydrate and swell us: this is why the right hydration is important to facilitate the elimination of excess fluids and therefore help us feel less. swollen. But how to hydrate? This is the most important question of all. Is it better to simply drink more water?
No. The best thing is to get water through fresh and seasonal foods or through sugar-free herbal teas and juices:in this way, in addition to water, we also take in the trace elements present in food, which allow us not to alter our hydrolytic balance and at the same time keep us hydrated. Furthermore, foods rich in water also have a greater satiating power than dry and dehydrated foods: for example, potatoes are more filling than pasta or rice.

Let’s see in general six foods that help us fight water retention :

– green tea: brew in summer (but the same rules apply in winter), a nice pitcher of green tea with lemon and lime wedges, is a way to take in liquids and drain without upsetting the cellular balance and contains draining substances. The important thing is not to drink too much, and drink it essentially from morning until early afternoon, as it is exciting.
– melon and watermelon: these are the summer fruits par excellence and, rich in water but also in mineral salts and few simple sugars, they allow us to fight stress and water retention; better to eat them as a snack. After a meal, they can slow down digestion. On the other hand, a slice of pineapple after a meal is the perfect fruit. Among the vegetables instead: cucumber, celery and fennel all offer help against the stagnation of liquids.
– Aromatic herbs: those with cellulite and water retention problems should use them in abundance. Aromatic herbs are in fact rich in mineral salts, especially if they are dry. Excellent fennel seeds and oregano!
– salmon: fresh, unsmoked, it is an unbeatable resource of omega3 fats, which help to combat problems related to edema and stagnation of liquids as well as swelling together with oily fish. It is recommended to eat two portions a week.
– raw (whole grains): together with potatoes, whole grains can be an excellent alternative to pasta and rice. For example oats, which contain fibers that promote intestinal regularity and eliminate abdominal swelling. Or the false grains like quinoa, which are more protein and gluten-free.
– watercress: summer in particular is the season of salads, right? Well, put the lettuce aside and prefer watercress, a really interesting vegetable because it has digestive, diuretic and slimming properties.

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