Flat stomach in a week: diet tips

Flat stomach in a week: diet tips

Three articles to get you to have a flat stomach in a week: if you want to follow them all (tricks, diet, fitness), you can reduce abdominal swelling and the waist in just 7 days! In this article yesterday I have illustrated all the tricks to reduce the belly in a short time, from slow chewing to homemade wrap; now let’s see what precautions can constitute a shock treatment at the table, allowing us to significantly reduce intestinal swelling and water retention. Often, more than abdominal fat, a prominent belly is the result of swelling and retention: unlike localized fat, which is undoubtedly impossible to get rid of in a single week, swelling and retention can be minimized even in a few days! But there is more: by following these dietary guidelines for the following weeks, it is also possible to lose weight.
Here’s everything at the table that works to get a flat stomach in a week.

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