Five foods for the thyroid gland

Five foods for the thyroid gland

Today we see five foods for the thyroid, or five foods that can help us if we suffer from underactive thyroid, then problems such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto and so on. Many people today, especially women, suffer from thyroid problems: among the causes, stress and a bad diet play a primary role. 
That’s why acting on these two things, limiting stressful situations (including crash diets) and reviewing nutrition in a more functional perspective (I have already said: no crash diets?) Can help us to support this gland that is so important for our hormonal and health balance. Having thyroid problems in fact triggers a series of symptoms: fatigue, muscle aches, tendency to gain weight, slow metabolism, digestive problems, high cholesterol and triglycerides, joint pain, headache, anxiety symptoms, blurred mind, important mood changes , insomnia, imbalances of vitamins and minerals.
Among the first things to do if we suspect that we have thyroid problems there are analyzes and tests, of course, and then a replacement therapy in agreement with your doctor.
These thyroid foods can also help you. 


  1. Foods rich in zinc: zinc supports thyroid hormone function. You find it in cocoa and chocolate, in spinach, in peas, in beef. So try adding cocoa to yogurt or porridge in the morning, for example.
  2. Foods rich in vitamin B1: Vitamin B1 is essential for fighting fatigue and some symptoms of hypothyroidism. You can find it in blue and lake fish, in macadamia nuts and sesame seeds, in sunflower seeds, in lean pork.
  3. Cinnamon and ginger: they have an important anti-inflammatory action. Cinnamon also regulates blood sugar, ginger contains zinc, potassium and magnesium, key micronutrients for a healthy thyroid.
  4. Foods rich in tyrosine : this too, like vitamin B1, is an important substance to reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism. It is a non-essential amino acid, which reduces the symptoms of anxiety and agitation, very present in those with thyroid gland, and reduces depressive symptoms. We find it in peanuts, sardines, aged cheeses, lupins, eggs and whole grains.
  5. Foods rich in selenium: selenium is essential for optimizing all thyroid functions. We can easily find it in Brazilian nuts, tuna, seafood, eggs, garlic, but we can integrate it, and in this case the combination of selenium + inositol is very useful.

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