Fitwalking, walking and fitness to lose weight

Fitwalking, walking and fitness to lose weight

What is fitwalking? It is a way of walking aimed more than normal walking for weight loss, because it combines the action of walking with a fitness activity. Everything is beautiful, but it has rules , and these rules respond better than me to those who love walking but cannot find a way to lose weight in traditional walking.
Finally, being a less invasive activity than running, with fitwalking it is almost impossible to get to overtraining . Recommended for those who are unable to train in the gym, fitwalking is suitable for everyone, as long as you follow the rules that I will now explain and find suitable spaces to do it: woods, large parks, paths that can also be customized but that are long and challenging enough.


The rules:
1) If you have never walked consistently, for the first week , do a normal walk, adding five minutes each time . Start for a quarter of an hour or half an hour at a brisk pace, then add five minutes. After seven days you will have reached about an hour of walking.
2) You have to use sneakers and bring a backpack with water. Drinking first helps too. 3) After the first week, we start the real fitwalking. The posture is straight, the abdominal muscles should be slightly contracted. It is not a relaxing walk. The body is fully in action. Every now and then also contract your legs and squeeze your buttocks!

4) Start each session with some stretching exercises: stretch the muscles of the arms and legs, stretch. You can also do it just before you leave.
5) Having learned the right posture, we must learn the step. It has to be as fast as possible and a little longer than normal. By fastest possible we mean: over six kilometers per hour, almost seven. You have to walk so fast that you feel your heart beating faster and that you cannot carry on a conversation easily. After half an hour you will already be very tired. Increase by five minutes every week or every three days. 6) Try to do this every day, but if you feel pain in your legs, start every other day. 7
To lose weight, a daily fitwalking time of 45 to 60 minutes is estimated as suitable for beginners.
What happens next? After the first month, or when we will be able to easily overcome this quota (even two months), we add some weights for the arms, one kilo per hand, and let’s use them for our journey. We can hold them in our hands with our arms slightly bent, and occasionally wave our arms up and out to tone the arms.
8) In the following months, we vary the routes: routes with slopes, with stairs, or even small climbs will make our training complete!

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