Fit with Ayurveda: the rules for losing weight
According to Ayurveda, our body contains mainly three vital energies or doshas : these energies must be in balance with each other to guarantee health, but depending on which energy we have the most and where we have the point of imbalance, Indian medicine makes us fall into a specific “type”. These three energies are: pitta, vata and kapha. According to Ayurveda, the excess of kapha, or that particular type of energy that affects the body fluids, develops the tendency to a slow metabolism and water retention , while those who are more vata, that is, tend to move more, is even the thinnest. Pitta men, on the other hand, tend to have a more balanced weight. Without going into specifics,we only see general rules for losing weight from the perspective of the three energies.
– Exercise every day : even by alternating activities, it is important to exercise every day for a perfect balance of our energies, and to keep fit.
– Prepare meals at home: nothing ready, nothing rushed, no take away. If we want to lose weight, we must be able to cook our own meals, with an eye to the simplicity of the recipes and cooking.
– Doing yoga: we can alternate yoga with more intense physical activities, but yoga can help us if we suffer from nervous hunger or simply tend to overdo it at the table. – Avoid sleeping during the day : we move during the day and sleep at night. To cure night sleep, we avoid sleeping during the day. The nap is prohibited.
– We eliminate simple sugars apart from honey and fruit: honey and fruit are the only foods based on simple sugars that we must use to lose weight.
– In our pantry, oats and barley: we alternate whole oats and barley with the usual dish of pasta or rice.
– Legumes at least twice a week.
– We use a tonic based on a glass of warm water, a few drops of lemon juice, fresh ginger (optional) and half a teaspoon of honey to drink in the morning . Useful to promote a flat stomach and digestion.
– We enrich our dishes with spices and aromatic herbs : to do this, we go shopping for herbs only, and enrich each dish with a sprinkling of spices or aromatic herbs at the end of cooking.
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