Fight water retention with these juices

Fight water retention with these juices

Water retention is a problem that affects women more than men.
Often it is accompanied not only by unsightly edema and swelling that worsen in the second half of the day, but also with health problems.


We hear that, to combat water retention, it is necessary to eat with a little salt, precisely to avoid “stagnation of liquids”.

In fact, this is often a huge oversimplification of the negative effects of dietary salt.

It is true, for example, that people with water retention must limit foods rich in salt, such as potato chips and salted peanuts.

But this is achieved simply by avoiding a lot of industrial foods, even sweets.

While eating a low-sodium diet and drinking lots of water are not the solution to the problem.

There are people who drink up to three liters of water a day but continue to suffer from water retention .
Why does it happen?

According to Ray Peat, a famous American physiologist, salt restriction has become a cliché, based on the mistaken belief that salt promotes long-term water retention.
A 2012 meta-analysis published in the American Heart Association on the link between salt consumption and cardiovascular health problems, analyzing studies carried out in the 1990s and 2000s, reaches the same conclusions as Dr. Peat.

In the chapter on the correlation between sodium and water retention , patients treated with hypersaline solutions or a diet with medium / moderate salt consumption had higher diuresis and less water retention than those on a low-sodium diet.

I will limit myself to indicating these studies, and I invite you to salt the dishes according to your taste and not to force yourself to drink too much to combat water retention.

You simply need to cut down on foods that are too salt-laden on the surface, such as packaged foods.

It is also important  to choose things to drink to reduce swelling and water retention problems.


  1. Sugar-free citrus juice or juice
  2. Acerola drink
  3. Currant drink
  4. Pomegranate juice
  5. Blueberry juice
  6. Cranberry juice

These juices promote diuresis and reduce capillary fragility.
This is thanks to the aglycated component which carries out a vitamin PP action.

Alongside the consumption of coffee, diluted with a little skim milk.
Skimmed milk is very rich in potassium and naturally reduces water retention.
Together with these recommendations, daily physical activity, not only aerobic, can also help you against cellulite.
And the choice of a more natural diet, with the reduction not of salt, but of packaged foods.

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