Fever: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Fever: symptoms, causes, all remedies

When the body temperature rises beyond the limits considered normal (37 ° C) we find ourselves having to deal with the disorder commonly referred to as  fever .   Often accompanied by chills and a general feeling of discomfort, fever can have various causes . Let’s find out better.

>   Symptoms of fever

>   Causes

>   Diagnosis

>   Treatment for fever

Fever, natural remedies

Symptoms of fever

Fever can cause chills, sudden muscle twitches, general malaise , coldness, headache, dry and inflamed throat. This and other ailments are due to a specific purpose: the body itself raises its temperatures, precisely to prevent viruses and bacteria from proliferating beyond what they should.


fever can depend on numerous causes: infections , sunstrokes, muscle fatigue, inflammatory states of a non-infectious nature, metabolic diseases, intoxications. The increase in temperature is due to a ” recalibration ” of the  hypothalamic thermostat , that is the control area of ​​the brain that regulates the body’s temperature.


Fever is diagnosed in the event of a marked increase in basal temperature. It may happen that this increase is fluctuating and in that case we speak of intermittent fever, the interval between the phases of hyperthermia and apyrexia has a variable duration (hours / days; the temperature fluctuations are  higher than at least 1 ° C and, during periods of apyrexia, the basal temperature must drop below 37 ° C.

The remitting fever is different , which occurs when the body temperature fluctuates over 24 hours with fluctuations above 1 ° C, BUT it does not drop below 37 ° C for a few days.


Feeding in case of fever 

In fever, the body raises its own temperature as a defensive mechanism and must be supported with a simple but effective diet in which all those foods with strong antibacterial and antiviral properties such as garlic , onion, chilli and cloves are useful . Once the causes of the fever have been clarified, we can proceed with some nutritional associations:

  • 50gr of penne all’arrabbiata + 2 sautéed zucchini with garlic + 1 citrus juice made from orange, grapefruit and lemon.
  • Chicken soup: boil a quarter of a chicken with 1 onion, 2/3 cloves, 1 carrot and 1 whole stick of celery. When after about an hour and a half the broth is ready, take 3 ladles and cook the soup. When cooked, add 1 tablespoon of red wine and 1 of Parmigiano Reggiano. 
  • Toasted bread with oil and rubbed raw garlic.
  • Mulled wine: a cup of red wine of excellent quality, add a peel of a quarter of a lemon, 3 cloves, ¼ stick of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of sugar and put everything to boil. When boiling begins, the wine is set on fire, preserving the bactericidal and antibiotic power of the wine associated with the antimicrobial and antiviral actions of the other components.
  • Garlic and lemon tea: in a saucepan put a whole lemon, washed thoroughly, and a clove of unpeeled garlic, covered with water and boiled for seven minutes. You drink one herbal tea every 4 hours in acute symptoms and one herbal tea every 2/3 days as prevention.
  • Caramelized apple: cut an apple with its peel into slices in a pan and add a cup of red wine, a spoonful of sugar, 2 cloves, 2 cm of cinnamon stick and the peel of a quarter of a lemon. It is cooked over high heat until it caramelizes.

These nutritional associations are very effective in fever and flu syndromes , however, a natural diet to support the body is recommended.

Learn about proper nutrition in case of fever

Feeding for fever

Bach flowers 

The infectious nature of this disturbance reveals, in most cases, a lowering of the immune system which can occur in times of severe stress or depression. 

To raise the natural defenses, in flower therapy, Olive is used , the remedy for psycho-physical exhaustion . An agitated, worried, anxious, frightened person, in short stressed, will certainly have a less efficient immune system and therefore an organism more exposed to infectious attacks. Olives favoring the recovery of energy supports our natural defenses, facilitating the recovery of health.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Fever in traditional Chinese medicine is a symptom: it can herald or be associated with various pathologies that the body tries to fight against. The causes can be different: external agents such as Hot Wind, Moisture-Heat, Heat of Xue and toxic infections. The aim of the therapy is to disperse both heat and humidity, harmonize the lung and eliminate toxins. The points that are usually worked on are:

  • DA ZUI (large vertebra, located under the spinous process of C7), which eliminates the wind and lung;
  • HE GU (on the radial side of the index, at the midpoint of the second metacarpus) which tones the qi ;
  • NEI TING (located 0.5 cun behind the edge of the interdigital membrane, between the 2nd and 2nd toes), regulates energy and blocks pain;
  • XUE HAI  (2 cun above the upper edge of the patella), regulates the Blood.

Aromatherapy for fever 

Essential oils against fever have a broad spectrum anti- flu and anti- infective action, capable of counteracting attacks by viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms responsible for this symptom.

  • Cajeput essential oil : its vapors carry out a bactericidal action against beta hemolytic streptococci, diplococci, and various species of staphylococci, and against some viruses responsible for flu and fever, respiratory tract diseases and urogenital system.
  • Tea tree essential oil : it is considered one of the most powerful essential oils, thanks to its very broad spectrum antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal action. For internal use 2 drops in a teaspoon of honey is indicated in case of respiratory tract infections, which cause pharyngitis and tonsillitis, fever, bronchitis, cold, sore throat, cystitis, candidiasis and herpes.
  • Thyme essential oil : it is successfully used in bacterial infections affecting the urinary tract, the respiratory system and the intestine, caused by proteus mirabilis bacteria, enterococci, staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, alcaiescens dispar, neisseria, corinebacteria. Also useful in the presence of cough, cold and fever.
  • Bergamot essential oil :  it has long been used in folk medicine, for the treatment of fever, including malaria, for its antipyretic properties. Bergamot fruit is widely used in natural cosmetics and in cooking.

Homeopathic remedies

Fever is always to be evaluated together with the homeopath . If the fever occurs suddenly and is immediately very high , above 38.5 ° C, it may be useful to administer Aconitum 9 CH (one dose to be repeated after 3-6 hours), before the start of sweating, especially if there are also  chills, thirst, agitation and anxiety . On the other hand, when the next phase begins, that of sweating, it will be advisable to switch to Belladonna 9 CH , 5 granules per hour, also and above all indicated in conjunction with red throat and dry cough .

Same dosage as Apis 9 CH if the fever rises suddenly but remains moderate. If, on the other hand, there is a low- grade fever that tends to rise, but still remains below 38.5 °, it could be useful to take Ferrum Phosphoricum 9 CH (also in this case 5 granules every hour). These dosages and remedies are useful for both adults and children, for whom homeopathy is certainly not considered dangerous.

Exercises in case of fever

Rest first of all, especially if the fever is very high. The body is struggling and therefore it is best not to overload it further.

The muscle, under fever, suffers damage, with asthenia, adynamia, pain and the presence of creatine and creatinine, indices of cellular injury. This should be a cause for discomfort for any athlete: it is useless to continue training or compete if you have a fever. And it is equally wrong to think that an exaggerated training compared to the potential of the body at that given moment to improve the situation! 

If this applies to a training not measured on physical conditions, it is also true that moderate and targeted exercise can lead to positive effects in case of fever. Several studies find that, when fever doesn’t peak, moderate exercise can reduce fever-related symptoms.  

In 1998 Thomas Weidner, an American college coach, conducted a study of flu-infected athletes and healthy athletes. The results, still valid today more than ten years later, show how those who had exercised in a flu-like state were better off after each training session.

As further proof of these theories, studies carried out in 2005 at the University of Illinois found that those who took a “jog” of 15 minutes obtained benefits against fever-related ailments. 

Yes to hydrotherapy according to the teachings of Sebastian Kneipp : green light for  fresh baths and refreshing frictions . You can proceed with the sponging technique, i.e. rubbing a part of the body surface with a damp cloth, immersed in cold water and then squeezed. 

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