Fermented foods for weight loss and better digestion

Fermented foods for weight loss and better digestion

Glass-of-RejuvelacI have already told you about fermented foods such as tempeh and kefir, and the importance of enzymes and probiotics for weight loss, improving our metabolism and our digestion. I even offered you a couple of probiotic diets to lose weight. The reason is soon said: fermented foods help to restore the good intestinal bacterial flora, and consequently help us to: 1) digest better 2) increase the immune defenses 3) are useful in the well-being of skin, hair, against infections, etcetera 4) increase the metabolism consequently to the previous points 5) according to numerous studies they make you lose weight.
However, fermented foods are not good for everyone:much depends on our degree of intestinal bacterial flora impairment, so many people suffer from pains such as stomach ache, headache and even constipation or swelling, obtaining the opposite result to what we would like for us. I suggest starting with some foods, if an incompetent like me who, apart from cooking, does not know how to ferment or preserve, you can do it very well.

To start your diet based on fermented foods, supplement your diet with these foods, a little at a time:
– Water or kefir milk (better than probiotics on the market, alternatively homemade yogurt is fine). It should be drunk every day, from the morning.
– Rice or barley miso: you can use it instead of cube and salt to prepare broths or soups but also to dress vegetables. It is salty, it is a real fermented condiment.
– Sauerkraut: eat them often, the important thing is to eat them at room temperature and not heat them.
– Brines and pickles : enrich your salads with brines and pickles, especially gherkins and gardener.
– Tempeh: come on, we have already talked about it, this too should not be cooked, it is highly protein and you can find it from the bio or alternatively online.
– Leavened foods with sourdough .
Subsequently, if eating these things a little at a time did not create you particular disturbances, after a month you can increase your diet with other important fermented foods:
– Drink rejuvelac , which you could make at home: find the recipe on the internet.
– Prepare the lactofermented vegetables at home . These are particular preserves that undergo fermentation, such as brines. You can make them at home and eat them every now and then as an accompaniment to fresh vegetables.
What are the benefits? As I told you, your metabolism will rise and you will have better digestion: since digestion is everything after brain function, all health improves if we improve our digestion. Away from swelling, abdominal fat, but also more energy and boldness, brighter skin, a less hazy appearance. And you lose weight much easier.
Together with these fermented foods, I advise you to eat more whole, and less refined, and above all to eat less sugar.
This will make the fermented food diet more effective for weight loss!

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