Feldenkrais: what it is and what it is used for

Feldenkrais: what it is and what it is used for

FeldenkraisĀ is a method of body reorganization and self-education through movement that leads to awareness of one’s motor patterns.Ā Let’s find out better.Ā 

> Ā Ā 1. What is the Feldenkrais method

> Ā Ā 2. Benefits and contraindications of the Feldenkrais method

> Ā Ā 3. For whom is the Feldenkrais method useful

> Ā Ā 4. The law in Italy and abroad

> Ā Ā 5. Curiosities about the Feldenkrais method

What is the Feldenkrais methodĀ 

With the denominationĀ FeldenkraisĀ , we mean a method ofĀ self-education through movementĀ .Ā Through Feldenkrais, we become aware of our movements and motor patterns, performing specific sequences of movements aimed at involving every part of our body, with particular attention paid toĀ perceptionĀ andĀ listening to ourselvesĀ .Ā 

The method was devised in 1949 byĀ Moshe Feldenkrais,Ā after a personalĀ knee injury.Ā After years of experimenting on himself, Feldenkrais dedicates himself to teaching his own method.

In Italy, the Feldenkrais method spread in the Eighties, thanks to the work of some teachers trained abroad.Ā Thus was born, in 1987, the AIIMF, still today the main referent for the Feldenkrais method.Ā 

Benefits and contraindications of the Feldenkrais method

The purpose of the Feldenkrais method is to provideĀ self-improvement toolsĀ , to improve the quality of life of each one.

The interaction between thought,Ā self-image and the surrounding environmentĀ is improved , helping toĀ improve the quality of daily actions, from the most common to the artistic ones, passing through those gestures that help the bodyĀ such as breathing and muscle stretching.

Adapting to the peculiarities and characteristic limits of each subject, the Feldenkrais method has no particular contraindications.Ā 

For whom it is useful

One can approach the FeldenkraisĀ in case of trauma or neurological disordersĀ , from which one experiences limited motor or perceptual capacity.Ā Those suffering from back painĀ , cervical pain and arthrosis, as well as those who want to reduceĀ physical and emotionalĀ stressĀ , find benefit in the method .

By increasing self-awareness and concentration, Feldenkrais is also practiced by athletes, actors, singers and dancers, who benefit a lot also in terms of dissolving the tensions given by the moment before and after the performance.

Who is and what does the teacher of the Feldenkrais method do

The law in Italy and abroad

The Feldenkrais method can only be taught by qualified teachersĀ .Ā The training is four years and includes a final exam.Ā In Italy there are five schools for teaching the method, all attributable to the AIIMF.

The diplomas obtained here have international validity and the training is recognized by the EuroTAB (European Training Accreditation Board – European Commission for the accreditation of training courses. NaTab and AusTab supervise North America and Australia.Ā 

Curiosities about theĀ Ā Feldenkrais method

The journey that led Moshe Feldenkrais to the creation of the homonymous discipline is long and detailed.

Working as a pioneer, he approaches martial arts.Ā He graduated in mechanical and electrical engineering in Paris and obtained a doctorate in physics from the Sorbonne.

BecomeĀ a black belt in JudoĀ and found the first French Judo club.Ā She pursues engagements with the British Navy Ministry and the Israeli Army Defense Forces.Ā Then a knee trauma meant the beginning of the exploration culminating in the structuring of the method.


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