Fast metabolism with the advice of JJ Virgin

Fast metabolism with the advice of JJ Virgin

jjvirginimagneJJ. Virgin is a well-known American personal trainer and nutritionist who frequently collaborates on the Dr. Oz show and has written successful books on how to increase metabolism, change lifestyle and lose weight effortlessly. For example, her about hers About her The Virgin Diet about her or about her new book About her The Sugar Impact Diet . On this page JJ Virgin lists some easy tips to increase your metabolism and I bring them to you because they are not so obvious. Let’s see them together:

1) Avoid eating often:Virgin unlike many others, advises not to eat often, with frequent snacks. Better to avoid, because this way we create insulin spikes with every meal, even if it is small. Often that sixty calorie fruit yogurt that seems so harmless to us slows down our metabolism. Better to have three main meals: breakfast within an hour of waking up, lunch and dinner at least 4 hours apart.
2) We do a high-intensity workout: high-intensity workouts are those that are done for half a minute or a minute but with intense effort, such as a quick jog with the knees up, or two minutes on the elliptical, or the plank, or very fast squats in two or three sets of twenty, with a ten second break. This kind of exercise pushes the body to burn a lot more.
3) We use these metabolism activators : according to JJ Virgin, sprinkling lemon juice water with every meal, spice meals with cayenne pepper and using coconut oil instead of butter to sauté vegetables in a pan are three things. simple to do to keep blood sugars low during meals and burn more.
4) We eat a balanced breakfast:we avoid sugary foods for breakfast, aside from some fruit, and choose to balance this meal with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Among the proteins: fat-free white yogurt, cottage cheese, vegetable milk with no added sugar, eggs, for example in omelettes or for pancakes. Among the carbohydrates: wholemeal bread, wasa slices, oat flakes, all bran, oat or rye bread. Let’s toast the bread. We can use sugar-free jams. Among the fats: raw butter, organic peanut or hazelnut butter, avocado and chocolate, cocoa or hazelnut creams (no to Nutella, yes to creams with reduced sugar content).
Fruit sugars are added to carbohydrates: half a banana in yogurt or porridge, a glass of unsweetened orange juice.
5) We drink a glass of water half an hour before lunch. Not immediately before, attention: the brain receives the satiety signal in twenty minutes, so it is very important to avoid eating immediately after drinking, but to be satisfied with a glass half an hour before, so that the body feels partially full.

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