Extra light Oreo cake: 200 calories per serving

Extra light Oreo cake: 200 calories per serving


You should know that, unlike other sites where light recipes are sponsored but with tiny portions, a light recipe is not published on Dcomedieta if it does not pass the “portion test”. As is the case with this extra light Oreo cake that brightened up my breakfasts.

By test portion I mean this: s and the cake is light by dividing it into 8 parts or even less, then it is really dietary . Plus the portion should leave you satisfied. You can do an encore knowing that you don’t do much harm, but you can’t eat more than a quarter of the cake.

In short: the light kitchen for me should never make us regret the traditional version. A slice of this extra light Oreo cake, which I named it because it recalls Oreo cookies, is equivalent to less than 4 cookies in terms of calories.
But it satisfies at least four times more. See the photo in detail.
The white cream is both inside and outside the dough .
Greedy! Plus it’s a healthy pie.
Very few fats, zero cholesterol, no butter or oil, good ratio between carbohydrates and proteins, moderate in sugars.


To make this recipe you will need, if you want a really rich cocoa cake, with the humid and muddy aspect typical of the original Oreo cake but with low fat, zero-fat cocoa like Dukan.
However, for the same calories I also give you the version with normal cocoa that you find at the supermarket, as long as it is bitter low-fat cocoa. The difference is that in the version that I love to make, the fat-free cocoa I buy has less than 200 calories per hectogram, the one from the supermarket about 400, so I can put in more. Having fat-free cocoa for me is an incredible convenience, but beware: it does not have the same aroma as traditional cocoa (there is no fat!), So in all the recipes I make a mix between zero-fat cocoa and normal cocoa.
Honestly, it is a purchase that I recommend. It lasts a long time and allows me to make chocolate milk, cookies, muffins, even chocolate spreads.
What I am telling you can be replaced with the degreased cocoa from Dukan, but for quantity / price ratio mine is better. You can find it on Amazon.
Zero Fat Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 1kg of Q Honey
As I told you both recipes have the same calories. Except that the latter will not have that “muddy” look but will seem less dark. Let’s say the color of a normal cocoa cake.
We come to the dessert.


For an 8-portion cake



80 grams of wholemeal spelled flour

Eighty grams of cocoa 0% fat mixed with 30 grams of normal bitter cocoa
Alternatively 75 grams of traditional bitter cocoa.

a sachet of vanilla yeast

stevia in drops or Truvia

2 packs of 150 grams of 0% fat Greek yogurt vanilla or stracciatella flavor

100 grams of light spreadable cheese

250 grams of pasteurized liquid egg white (you can find it in the refrigerator department in supermarkets)

90 grams of sugar

a sachet of Pannafix Pane Angeli

 10 grams of bitter cocoa + Natural Zero Syrup 400 ml Chocolate (or 20 grams of dark chocolate to decorate).


  • In a large bowl, mix the brown sugar with the wholemeal flour and the unsweetened cocoa.
  • Now pour 2 and a half glasses of mineral water in this way.

    First a glass and a half. Then add half of the spreadable cheese (50 g) and mix the mixture to avoid lumps. Only now pour the other glass. It has to come liquid.

  • Take a pan about 24 cm in diameter and with high sides or a baking dish, line it with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Turn on the oven at 185 degrees.
  • Pour all the yogurt and the rest of the cream cheese into a separate bowl, mix with a spoon and add the stevia (you need sugar for the cocoa mixture).
  • In a third bowl, whip the egg whites together with the Pannafix until stiff peaks.
  • Take back the chocolate dough, sift the vanilla yeast and add it to the mixture.
  • Finally, pour in two thirds of the egg white mixture, incorporate them well.
  • Now pour the other third of the egg whites into the yogurt bowl and mix everything together .

  • Take the chocolate dough, pour more than half of it on the pan. In spoonfuls, add a little less than half of the yogurt and cheese mixture, you will see that it will sink slightly. It just levels. This trick allows you to avoid making holes in the cake once cooked, as in the process of some American Oreo Cakes.
  • Pour the rest of the chocolate mixture over it and keep the yogurt cream in the fridge.

  • Place the cake in the oven halfway up and bake for about 40-45 minutes.
  • Take out the cake, let it cool not well, great!

    You will notice that “craters” have formed on the surface, this is normal.

  • When it is as cold as it could possibly be, pour in the rest of the yogurt, egg white and cheese cream that you had put in the fridge. (Please note that pasteurized egg white can be eaten raw).
  • After leveling, pour the rest of the cream on top, leaving only the edges of the cake uncovered.

    In this way, the cooked cream and the cold cream will combine, creating parts in the cake that are completely filled with cream as you see in the detail of the photo.

  • Sprinkle with unsweetened cocoa and a little zero-calorie chocolate topping. Otherwise, chop the dark chocolate, pour it over and resist the temptation to eat it all. Also because it is an impossible undertaking.

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