Eliminate these foods to lose weight right away
Nowadays it is difficult, in the face of the tide of information circulating on the net, to understand which diet to follow and what is meant by proper nutrition , because there is everything and more at the level of nutrition theories, and therefore there is a need for having to inform yourself a lot in order not to listen to charlatans. But getting a lot of information often means wasting time , experimenting, experimenting in the kitchen and choosing different foods at the supermarket. Furthermore, the bell we have chosen to hear may not necessarily be the right one. In fact, at the moment there are at least five diets that are popular on the net and which appear very different from each other:
– low carb diets (consumption of proteins, zero carbohydrates, yes to vegetables, variable fats, as in the case of ketogenic) – paleodieta (consumption of proteins, fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, fats) – vegetarian and vegan diet and its variants (no to animal proteins in whole or in part) – the Mediterranean diet and other balanced diets (whole carbohydrates, good fats, lean proteins) – the trendy diet on duty (grape diet, minestrone soup, etc. ). What is there in common between all these different eating styles? Except in the last case there is something, even if it seems absurd, all these diets have points in common, namely they explain that consuming certain foods makes you fat , and that to lose weight it would be enough
Here are the foods that according to all diets that are the most popular are to be reduced (and in parentheses what to prefer) EXCESS OF SUGAR: all these diets preach a reduction in the consumption of simple sugars. You can do this by preferring fruit, and by reducing sweet foods from snacks and various treats. Sugar is not inherently bad or addictive (otherwise you would eat sugar by the spoonfuls), but many sugary foods are addictive when they are not from natural sources
SPIRITS: they are strongly to be eliminated if you want to lose weight. At least you learn to indulge in a glass of wine or half a glass a day in a relaxing break, but say goodbye to cocktails and spirits in general.Â
FLOURS:even flours and starchy foods are not a problem in themselves, but it is easy to abuse them in the form of baked goods, biscuits, breadsticks and so on . Industrial flours that contain gluten are particularly indigestible, because non-stone ground gluten spreads unevenly in the flour. Whole-grain supermarket flours are often only such because they include the addition of bran, which is irritating to many people in the intestine.
Prefer (and cook only with) organic and stone-ground flours, and try to vary your diet from the pasta and rice combo to grains such as oats, rye, barley. But remember that tubers are a good source of carbohydrates that we often underestimate.Varying is the way to avoid overeating certain foods.Â
INDUSTRIALIZED FOODS:  These are processed foods, snacks, biscuits, soups, creams, ready-made sauces and sauces, hamburgers, breaded meat and breaded products, various mixes, bars, ready-made cakes, filled pasta, chips and so on. Do without it now, by choosing REAL FOOD , artisanal and locally made food and food cooked by you. You will thus save on additives and preservatives that are harmful to the body.Â
CARBONATED BEVERAGES, JUICES, SWEETENED PRODUCTS:Eliminate these sources that combine sugar with dyes and preservatives and which are often produced starting from powdered preparations, as in the case of concentrated fruit juices. They create addiction in various ways, prompting the consumer to drink more and, not stimulating the sense of satiety like the foods we chew, they are often an addition and not a replacement to our daily calories.Â
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