Elden Ring can be a really complex game, especially if it’s your first Soulslike, so we thought about this guide dedicated to beginners. In fact, you may encounter some elements that can lead to frustration, not because the title is difficult but for the simple fact that there are game mechanics to understand and elements to discover .
In this Elden Ring guide you will find some tips that can help you understand how to overcome some obstacles that FromSoftware will put in front of you , so that you can avoid seeing the phrase “You are dead” too many times. This way you will be able to enjoy even more the vast Interregnum created by Miyazaki and George RR Martin. If you are interested, here is our review .
Before starting we remind you that, although minor, this Elden Ring beginner’s guide contains spoilers, continue at your own risk.
How to play Elden Ring if you are a beginner? Here is the guide
Choose the best class for you
Choosing the class will be the very first step, and definitely the most important to get off to a good start in the Elden Ring . There are 10 different classes available, and based on their characteristics you can have a different approach in game on the opening bars, and then evolve it as you want by leveling up. Here is the guide to all the classes and which ones to choose, and the guide to choosing the perfect starting gift for you.
The Graces and the Runes are your friends
The Graces in Elden Ring completely replace the Dark Souls bonfires and Bloodborne lanterns . The moment you interact with one, know that if you are defeated, you will respawn there. Just think of the fact that you will be able to recharge your flasks, mana and life points, and they will also respawn the crafting materials in the points where you can collect them. Also, they are places where enemies can’t attack you, so you can take your time organizing your inventory. There is only one big but: all enemies will come back to life .
So if you want to make the most of the Graces, think about your next destination and always try to have your inventory organized, so you can recall what you want as quickly as possible .
Runes in Elden Ring can be obtained by defeating enemies or purchased from merchants . Once dropped you can use them to level up your character, to do so just rest at a Site of Grace. But remember that going back will cause all enemies to respawn. In addition, trying to farm Runes is also a method of obtaining other resources , this is because sometimes you can also drop other items, such as weapons or pieces of armor, but their drop rate is not 100%.
Find Melina as soon as possible (rest in the third Point of Grace that will be indicated to you, that is the one after the church of Elleh), so that you can begin to level up : there you will also unlock the use of the horse, essential for your adventure ( here the complete guide on how to reach them ).
Purchase the flashlight as soon as possible
In the game world some areas will be incredibly dark, and you can only orient yourself if you have a torch to illuminate the path (a practical example is one of the first 3 dungeons you will encounter, the goblin lair on the beach of Sepolcride). Buy it as soon as possible , as soon as you enter the open world: Kalé (a seller who looks like a Santa Claus dress) will sell it to you at a more than low price, and you can find it in the Grace point of the church of Elleh , simply by proceeding in front of you after you exit outside at the start of the game.
Enemies have patterns – learn them
Elden Ring offers you a lot of weapons and spells. The important thing is to know that in the beginning you have a very small life bar, but you will collide with enemies who are much stronger than you. To learn how to survive you will have to learn to observe your enemies . By doing this you will notice that they all have patterns that are repeated. So the trick is to know the enemy and understand how to parry and what. This is the fastest way to survive the Interregnum for a long time.
Remember that Elden Ring has the jump
If you come from the other Soulslike you will notice that Elden Ring has a new mechanic , in addition to the classic roll: the jump, which can also and above all be used on horseback. This new feature allows you to dodge vertically (as happens in Sekiro, for example) and attack for more damage. So remember that you can take advantage of this mechanic to not have to block the blow, but to be more dynamic in the attacks and in the movement .
Don’t forget that the best way to avoid attacks is to parry or dodge them, and jumping can help a lot in the latter too. The enemies are brutal and inflict a lot of damage, do everything you can not to be dying.
Stealth is often a viable option
Elden Ring also has another “borrowed” feature from Sekiro : stealth. Thanks to its open world, Elden Ring is a much more complex title than the other Soulsborne and, for this reason, the way you approach the game world plays a fundamental role . Then use stealth to get items without letting you notice any enemies around you. It becomes essential in the first moments of the gameplay, so as to avoid trouble and obtain resources.
Remember that stealth is improved at night, darkness can be your ally.
Remember that you can take notes on the map
Elden Ring has a huge map that you can call up whenever you need it by pressing a button. And as in all open world titles you can put marks on the map , so as to remind you to return, the reasons for doing so are many: to report an enemy that has a level too high compared to yours, to return to an NPC or to reach resources that they can be useful later on. So make the most of this mechanic to not forget important people and objects .
These five Elden Ring tips may sound really simple, but they actually lay the foundation for good gameplay , the game world of which was made by George RR Martin, who got caught up in the Elden Ring mania and celebrated the release of the game with a post on its official blog .
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