Eight addictive (and overeating) foods

Eight addictive (and overeating) foods

Following a healthy diet is difficult, because today it is difficult to establish what a healthy diet really is: for a vegan, a diet is healthy when it excludes animal products; for an athlete, a diet is healthy when the food falls within the right macronutrients and the right caloric needs set for his discipline and his goals; and so on.
But, on one thing we can all agree: often eating a healthy diet does not necessarily mean depriving yourself of certain categories of food, but eating them in moderation. The quintessential healthy diet never rhymes with binging.
And in particular, there are foods that are addictive ,
 and that risk making us gain weight if we do not know how to limit them.
Often these are foods with a high energy density, but in some cases they are also nutritious: let’s see then which of these addictive foods are the ones we need to moderate , which ones we need to eliminate or almost, at least for a certain period.


  1. Cheese: I love cheeses, it must be said. I can exclude everything, even the air, but take away the cheese and cocoa and I’ll attack you on the jugular. Yet cheeses contain a substance,  casomorphine , an opioid derived from the digestion of milk, which causes our neurotransmitters to release more dopamine. But cheeses, especially those from raw milk or local ones with quality milk, that is from non-intensive farming, have many health benefits. For those who do not want to give them up, the salvation is to reduce them. Twenty to thirty grams of aged cheese provide around one hundred calories and a lot of fat, but they are great on a healthy diet. Instead, let’s avoid exaggerating, especially between aperitifs and going out.
  2. Salty snacks, chips, pretzels of various kinds: these products are salty, have a high glycemic index, and often among the ingredients there is even sugar, and the use of not exactly healthy vegetable oils. Those subjected to high cooking or fried, such as potato chips, also have acrylamide, a toxic substance for the body that derives from cooking starches at high temperatures (but not only with frying). We don’t need them, they don’t provide us with any nutritionally interesting substance, and in addition to salt they are rich in additives. We can replace them with pickles, raw vegetable sticks, home-dried vegetables, home-made vegetable chips (zucchini, sweet potatoes, beets) in the oven at moderate temperatures, toasted chickpeas, toasted seeds (in moderation) (FOLLOWS ON PAGE TWO )

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