Effective treatments and remedies for chronic insomnia
Good evening, I have been 27 for about 5 years I have been suffering from insomnia, I was studying outside the home and started not sleeping anymore, initially I tried herbal teas, valerian tablets trying them all from the natural remedies of pharmacies and herbalists, exhausted from not sleeping sad and practically depressed I went to a neurologist expert in sleep disorders who gave me the triptych 75 mg prolonged release; for some time I was able to sleep almost always and discreetly he told me to gradually reduce the dose by taking the whole tablet to 1/3 I for a period I was able to sleep taking 1/3 of the tablet but most of the time I took 2/3 or the whole tablet because I could never sleep well with a notable deterioration in the quality of my days, my energy, my mood etc; this summer I started to get tired of this situation and a few weeks ago I returned to this doctor saying that the triptych either did not act or acted with too much time for example taking it at 10 in the evening I always fell asleep after the moon at night and I could not understand what it was the right way to benefit from this drug. He made me stop with the triptych and gave the Songar in drops, telling me to take 8 before going to sleep and that in about half an hour I would be asleep. It worked for the first two days now I have been sleeping very little for at least ten days, for example from 11 to 2 am, and it is making me feel full ofanxiety and tachycardia, I’m terrified, scared and in total sadness for this situation, I just want to sleep peacefully to face the days and be active and instead I find myself feeling bad during the day and sleeping little or not at all during the night I don’t know what to do. I talked to this doctor who told me to try Mirtazapine from tonight. I understand that you have to try but the fear that I am not following a suitable therapy is great and I no longer have the strength to spend sleepless nights I really need to go back to sleep and moreover I realize that it is drugs and not candy and I I ask if the triptych and the songar have done me good or bad since I am now like this, I feel very agitated and very worried because I am unable to solve this problem, i wish i could lead a normal life go to work and sleep at night but i can’t, now i try with this mirtazapine of which i was told to take 1/4 or if it doesn’t work half tablet. I am no longer trusting a neurologist who makes you take the triptych for about 3 years without even thinking about the negative effects and suddenly switch to songar and mirtazapine, they are heavy drugs that can also have serious consequences and seem to be prescribed too lightly. . Perhaps it is also my fault that I have relied on this type of treatment for years and being able more or less to sleep with the triptych I thought it was the right way but now I would like to understand if my insomnia can be managed and treated differently or if now mine organism must necessarily take the triptych to fall asleep; I don’t want to take the songar drops anymore because not only did they not make me sleep but they made me feel worse and switching to this mirtazapine now seems absurd to me; I wanted to ask if by any chance you can recommend a doctor who is expert in natural remedies and who will help me understand why I cannot sleep, why my mind does not have this ability because I always stay awake thinking or trying to fall asleep? it’s a situation that has been going on for a long time. Also by now I feel “exhausted” in the sense that I am extremely agitated, confused, irritable, impatient, nervous and in very bad shape Please help me or recommend a professional in the Pescara / Chieti area / Scafa I really want to come out and see if I can go back to sleep with natural remedies, I have read the descriptions on insomnia, mine is quite articulated and is characterized by anxiety, fear of not sleeping, inability to fall asleep or to sleep peacefully for the hours necessary to feel good during the day; I’m tired of going on with medicines that most likely made me “crazy” rather than benefit me, I feel upset, worried, and I want to find serenity; the neurologist so far made me take this triptych to make me sleep and for some time and probably by continuing to take it I can also be able to sleep but I would like to understand if there may be other solutions and different remedies. And above all, do not go from one medicine to another where the relative package inserts describe horrible effects. I don’t want to be a victim of these drugs. And I wonder if you can direct me to the many types of medicine and therapies on this site, for example, could I try Bach flowers? Thank you in advance
Health Answers
Good evening, your condition should be thoroughly evaluated. Since she was born, she has had a series of experiences with allopathic medicines that are little connected to the causes of the disorder except in a mechanical-functional way. There are often emotional origins in this type of disorder. His condition must be assessed by taking a series of information and, given the chronicity, it is difficult to resolve it with remote remedies. Certainly there is an imbalance of the nervous system, the way that I recommend concerns two disciplines that intervene well on the nervous system: one is shiatsu, which can support a rebalancing of the systems and energy. Shiatsu _it acts through pressures in direct connection with the Parasympathetic nervous system, which is the system that governs the rest of the organism’s activities. Another way is Yoga, which provides training keys for rebalancing and maintaining a harmonious condition of the body-mind and mood systems. As for a simple practice to activate is to try to connect with your breath (observe breathing with closed eyes), try to keep attention in following the phases of the breath and gradually prolong the act of exhalation, without forcing. This workout leads to relaxation. In her condition it can be tiring but if she persists without creating further tension it can help her. Alternatively, I repeat that Shiatsu brings significant benefits. I wish you to find the way that is most congenial to you. If you think it will be of help to you, I am in Pescara, Alessandro Magansco

Hi, to start I would recommend that you take some melatonin , to naturally regulate your sleep / wake rhythm and physical and mental strengths. You can find it in any herbalist’s shop.
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