Effective diets to lose weight quickly: let’s be clear

Effective diets to lose weight quickly: let’s be clear

Are there effective diets to lose weight quickly? Without a doubt, yes, but you have to adjust to what we mean by “lose weight fast”. If we intend to lose weight how to lose weight point and that’s all, many lightning diets brilliantly fulfill this goal, and especially ketogenic diets do it: you lose a lot of fluids, you lose a significant percentage of weight, one of which is fat, without doubt, and a lean mass. Depending on the daily protein load, the loss of lean mass can be minimized, but it is always present, because the body draws on the muscle glycogen stores after having disposed of those of the liver.Water is also lost in this process, which is why diets low in carbohydrates of any kind and diets with fasting or semi-fasting times are all effective diets for fast weight loss. You can choose any one:  lose weight with the Plank diet , the Dukan in the first phase, the ketogenic Paleo, etc.
All of these flash diets will work if your goal is to see the scales drop right away .
All of these diets are effective.

Other diets that work are semi-liquid ones: the lemon diet, the soup diet, etc. Often the calories do not exceed 800 per day, and carbohydrates in spite of the large quantities of vegetables are very few if we consider them net. Likewise, taking in large quantities of liquids stresses the body, and amplifies the “intestinal colic” effect.

What happens next? First let’s see briefly what happens during . During these diets, a stress response occurs: the body produces more glucocortisoids, glucagon and catecholamines, i.e. substances that enter the field in the absence of blood sugar, precisely to free up the body’s glycogen stores, transform it into glucose, regulate blood sugar to avoid hypoglycemia, activate a series of reactions like the impulse of hunger. Aside from glucagon, other hormones are secreted by the adrenal gland: adrenal hyperactivity is another cause of stress. Only after two or three days, when the first important weight loss occurs and symptoms such as hyper arousal or fatigue, insomnia, hunger, headache, do these hormones push the adipocytes to empty, first of all releasing fatty acids (endocellular lipase hormone -sensitive leading to lipolysis) and thus promoting ketosis. This does not yet mean “burn fat”.The fat cells are empty , but it is not certain that they will not return to recover the fatty acids when we return to eat. Otherwise all the people who by training are able to mobilize fatty acids would have lost fat mass easily.

For all these reasons, fast diets lead to a relative reduction in fat mass . Having also lost fluids and some muscle mass, our metabolism drops a little, and when we stay, the body takes up the lost fluids.
So does it make sense to try to lose weight quickly or to choose one of these diets when the weight loss is apparent and worse affects the metabolism? If you think that seeing the needle drop even momentarily makes sense, here are the lightning diets that work. 

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