Ecological” GMO rice is coming

Ecological” GMO rice is coming

Also for the cultivation of cereals, as it happens for some crops and for the breeding of livestock, alternative solutions are sought for greater environmental sustainability and a reduction of pollution of the atmosphere.

Did you know, for example, that rice fields release large quantities of methane into the atmosphere?

Especially in countries where rice crops are predominant (think China), the problem of methane emissions released by rice crops is so acute that researchers have developed a genetically modified variant.

Yes, let’s talk about GM rice.

The result is a more starchy rice, which when it grows releases fewer bacteria that cause methane emissions, which are responsible for the overheating of the earth’s crust.

The point is: was GMO rice really needed?

I don’t want to make a crusade against GMOs, but I wondered what place rice has in the problem of pollution of the planet compared to the emissions of poisons from industries or the tons of garbage that we find ourselves in open landfills.

But I was wrong.

Strange but true, according to research published in the journal Nature, rice alone produces 7 to 17 percent of the world’s methane emissions .

If you consider that it’s just rice that’s a lot, it means an average of 15% less when this new variety of ecological and GMO rice will be widespread in all crops.

Yes but when?

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