Eat healthy with these tricks, and lose weight without a diet

Eat healthy with these tricks, and lose weight without a diet

Can you lose weight without dieting? Yes, indeed, it is desirable to learn to eat healthy and to eat well to lose weight, according to a slogan that I can summarize as follows: “ DO YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT? THEN EAT! “. So no diet! And the point is: so what to eat, how? The answer is simple, only it has never made us crazy, and we often don’t know how to translate it into everyday reality: EAT HEALTHY . Eating healthy leads us to increase our level of health and to take all the nutrients from food, without stressing the body but increasing our physical performance: eating healthy means, quite simply, feeling more energetic and having a more active metabolism.

If we think it is not very tasty, we can change our mind simply by consulting the new cooking blogs that point to a traditional but better table, such as this one .
Here are the things that will immediately lead us to eat healthier, and lose weight without worries.
SALT: replace traditional cooking salt with wholemeal salt, perhaps always marine, and eat less salty foods.
WE DO NOT CUT FATS:indeed, let’s add them in moderation. A handful of walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios or almonds and a choice of oil seeds can enrich our dishes, the avocado should be used more often, the other night a friend at dinner discarded the anchovies from the plate to eat the chips. Here, I stole her anchovies and gave her my fries. But also mackerel, sardines, small fish, a curl of raw butter in the morning for breakfast, a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil definitely worth trying.
LET’S DRINK ABOUT VEGETABLES:we eat much more fruit and vegetables, trying to choose them in season. Every choice is welcome, but if we are a stick we limit the sugar a little, which we can use instead of sugar for our desserts: we buy well-ripened bananas or turnips or dates to make muffins!
WE EAT WHOLE . Haven’t you chosen wholemeal yet? What are you waiting for? It is also found in the supermarket, among the crap there is the real integral, it is the nice dark one.
WE EAT LEGUMES: they will be poor proteins, but they are a balanced meal, and with whole grains they are a complete and very healthy dish. I eat them three times a week. Here’s how to cook them to avoid the famous antinutrients.
NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS, VERY NATURAL:avoid tablets and more. Flax and chia seeds provide omega3; turmeric, ginger, garlic and onion together with all aromatic herbs are a precious source of mineral salts and have a very powerful anti-inflammatory action; and what about algae? they contain iron and calcium, as well as vitamins. Let’s help ourselves with fermented foods, such as kefir, and with these precious foods we will fill up with useful substances for our body.
LESS SUGAR, INDUSTRIAL FOODS AND RUBBISH! We can use a little honey instead of sugar, but the criterion is to avoid hidden sugars, foods with a high glycemic index and various types of junk, such as fries, snacks, biscuits. There are no real wholemeal snacks or biscuits on the market, they hardly exist, I can assure you. Cook them yourself!

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