Eat and lose weight thanks to the hormonal diet

Eat and lose weight thanks to the hormonal diet

The new 2016 revolution that all the United States is talking about is the new book by Dr. Ludwig, an endocrinologist, which dismantles the theory of calorie counting to lose weight and, thanks to a pilot study, reveals how you can lose weight by eating at will, without counting calories and ignoring portions, but only the right foods. How? Thanks to a basically ketogenic diet, but which unlike normal ketogenic diets provides carbohydrates after two weeks of the shock phase! A hormonal diet, since the effect would be to rebalance the hormones to lose weight. 
Is it the hormonal diet that Ludwig addresses in his book, Always hungry?(transl. Always hungry?): in practice a non-diet, because, as the doctor explains, slimming diets do not make you lose weight, they make you fat. In fact, it is not possible to keep our body on a stick to push it to lose weight: it is a bit like thinking of fighting a high fever by not dealing with the infection that triggered it but walking around naked to lower the body temperature. A mean that does not cure fever, just like starving the body with a low-calorie diet does not allow us to lose weight. On the contrary. According to Dr. Ludwig it is the best way to gain weight.
According to him, it is not eating too much that makes us fat, but putting us in a position to gain weight that makes us eat too much. And restrictive diets would do just that. They would put us in a position to gain weight. 

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