Easy coconut and fig cheesecake

Easy coconut and fig cheesecake

Easy coconut and fig cheesecake
Author:  Dcomedieta
Recipe type:  Dessert
Preparation time:  30 minutes
Cooking time: 
Total time:  30 minutes
For:  8
I just made it and “rest” in the fridge: it’s delicious! A no-bake cheesecake, which takes half an hour, is light, natural and delicious. The idea came to me after seeing the recipe for tiramisu with figs from Mangia without belly (http://blog.giallozafferano.it/msp/fichi-e-ricotta-stile-tiramisu/). I had never tried figs and ricotta, but I didn’t have ladyfingers or other biscuits at home, so I tried this yummy cheesecake. It blew us away. It is fresh, and if you want, the cream alone in this recipe can be used for a mousse without cream and jelly. Mine is an exotic combination with coconut flour, ricotta and fresh figs on a light “crust” of whole wasa slices. Here is the recipe.
  • For 8 people (18 cm springform pan):
  • 8 wasa slices or alternatively 10 rusks
  • 50 gr. butter or alternatively 100 grams of apple compote
  • 100 ml apple or orange juice
  • cinnamon to taste
  • chocolate chips (optional) or chopped almonds or pistachios (optional)
  • 50 gr honey or coconut sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 250 gr. cow’s milk ricotta or skimmed Greek yogurt
  • 100 grams of coconut flour
  • a dozen ripe figs plus 3-4 firm figs for garnish
  1. For the crust:
  2. Put the wasa slices or, alternatively, the rusks in the mixer and pulverize them with a pinch of salt. Transfer them in a couple and pour 50 gr. of melted butter or apple compote and half a glass of juice, mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Line the sides of the springform pan with cling film and lightly grease the bottom. On the bottom, put the mixture and level it well with a damp spoon until you get the base of your cheesecake. Let it rest in the fridge or freezer while you prepare the cream.
  4. For the cream:
  5. wash the figs, peel them and chop them or blend them.
  6. Put them in a bowl with a sprinkle of cinnamon, 4-5 tablespoons of honey or coconut sugar (cane sugar is fine too) and the ricotta and work until the figs are reduced to a homogeneous cream.
  7. Now pour the coconut flour a little at a time and mix until the mixture is firm but not too “hard” to mix. A consistent cream has to come.
  8. Take the pan from the fridge, pour your cream on the crust and level well. Keep in the fridge for 3-4 hours, open the pan and remove the lateral film.
  9. Above, decorate with figs in wedges, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a little grated coconut and slices of almonds or chocolate chips.

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