Here is our complete guide to the trophies and platinum of the new Dying Light 2: Stay Human, with everything you need to know about it.

After numerous postponements, finally Dying light 2: Stay Human has arrived on our platforms, and with it the flame of all those trophy hunters who could not wait to get the coveted platinum trophy of the latest Techland effort is rekindled , so we are ready as always to offer you our complete dedicated guide. The game is available for purchase from February 4, 2022 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Series family consoles, and PC.
Obtaining the platinum trophy will take between 50 and 80 hours , and the difficulty will be quite low and many trophies do not need a guide attached, with Dying Light 2 providing a total of 58 trophies ( 48 , 8
, 1
, 1
), of which only 3 (including platinum) will be available only online . Don’t be frightened by the number, because a large amount of trophies are linked to the story, but you have to pay attention to the collectibles , 5 missing trophies and a couple of specific conditions. Before continuing with the reading, if you have not done so, we invite you to read our review of the game . All trophies are obtainable through a single playthrough .
ATTENTION: as you already know, the Dying Light 2 trophy and platinum guide will be full of details, and as a result you could run into unpleasant SPOILERS about the game and the plot. We therefore recommend that you continue reading only if you have completed the game or are concentrating on what you need.
What to do first? Read carefully!
As we anticipated, there is a need to pay attention to collectibles. It will be possible to obtain platinum even with a single playthrough, but only by respecting certain conditions. The first is to pay close attention to the prologue, because the area where you will play will be the only one you can never return to (not even in co-op), and therefore MAKE SURE YOU GET BOTH . This is because they are missing, and you could compromise the rest of the collection in an irreparable way from the beginning: it is a newspaper article and book 4 of Paradise Lost.
So pay attention to the missing trophies and take care: the first two concern the collectibles, Archivist and Audiophile , then Leccapiedi , Sano come un Pesce and Cuore di ferro . Knowing these objectives, enjoy the game , dedicating yourself to complete the main story by collecting the collectibles . However, to get the last two trophies we told you about in one go, we recommend that you NEVER spend inhibitors to upgrade until you have 78 in total , and create a backup save when you have collected them all.
To get the Leccapede trophy instead, remember to assign all the Electric Stations and Water Towers to the same faction , to reach level 7.
Having taken all these precautions, during the game also dedicate yourself to the collection of collectibles which, if missed, can be recovered in a friend’s game while playing in co-op. Know that at the end of the story there is still the possibility to explore the city, but precisely with some inaccessible areas . Let’s start now with the actual guide dedicated to all the trophies of the new Dying Light 2 .
Dying Light 2: Stay Human trophies and platinum guide
Bronze trophies
Towards the unknown – Reach Villedor. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed. You will get it in the very early stages of the game.
First dose – Use the inhibitor for the first time. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Herzlich Wilkommen! – Enter the Bazaar. | Trophy in some cases buggy . Before entering the Bazaar, it is recommended to create a manual save and try again, in case you are not awarded the trophy. In any case, it is a trophy linked to history and not to be missed.
Under Pressure – Activate your first water tower. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
In the Footsteps of the Enemy – Find out where Waltz is. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
A light in the dark – Activate your first electrical substation. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Get out of my house! – Defeat Forsaken attacking the Fish Eye. | Trophy in some cases buggy . Again, we recommend creating a manual save during the eleventh quest, “ A Place to Call Home “. Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Ashes and rubble – Reach the observatory. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
We will be heard! – Reset the radio transmission tower. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Known accomplice – Find out where Veronika Ryan is. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
One step away from death – Wake up after the bombing. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Going down – Take the elevator to X-13. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Family First – Find your sister. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Municipal Services – Allocates all facilities. | As per the description, you will have to assign all the implants to the factions. If you want to unlock the Leccapiedi trophy as well , always assign them to it. Here is our dedicated guide with the location of all implants .
Tunnel Entrance – Activate your first metro station. | Trophy explained in the description, here is where to find all the metro stations .
Sancho Panza – Activate your first windmill. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed. However, you will need to activate them all to get the Don Quixote trophy . Here’s where to find all the windmills .
Tickets, please! – Use a metro station for fast travel. | You will unlock fast travel after the 10th main mission. Use it from a metro station to get the trophy.
Don Quixote – Activate all windmills. | Trophy explained in the description. Here is our dedicated guide on where to find all windmills .
Haven’t you seen the signs? – Collect all the inhibitors hidden in the quarantine zones of the GRE. | Trophy explained in the description. To get it you will need to get 24 specific inhibitors from the 6 quarantined buildings (there are 4 per building). Here is our dedicated guide on where to find all 126 inhibitors .
Did you find anything interesting? – Find out about all air supplies. | Trophy shown in the description. Here’s where to find all air supplies .
It wasn’t that hard, was it? – Defeat your first GRE anomaly. | Trophy explained in description. Here is the guide where you can find all the anomalies of the GRE .
Flaming Flag – Clear your first bandit camp. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed.
Don’t forget the first time… – Create your first object. | Trophy linked to history, cannot be missed. You will get it as your first trophy.
Ah, so that’s how it works! – Modify your weapon for the first time. | Trophy explained in the description, see also the Smanettone trophy .
Friend in Need – Help 50 survivors in encounters. | Survivor encounters will occur randomly as you roam the city map, and will be indicated with a blue square on the screen when you are at least 50 meters from it. These random encounters involve activities such as defeating bandits or zombies who are attacking NPCs. They are never in large numbers, defeat them and you will get the message for completion, as well as a small reward. Complete 50 of these events to earn the trophy.
Foot Licker – Reach a city alignment of 7 with any faction. | MISSABLE . As we already said at the beginning, to get it you must assign all the implants to the same faction. Attention, because once assigned they cannot be reassigned. Here are the locations of all the plants in our dedicated guide.
Who Wants To Be … – Collect 1,000,000 in World-That-Was Currency. | Getting all this money by playing the normal way would take something like 100 hours. However, there is a trick to quickly earn money, taking advantage of the co-op mode. Here’s how to quickly get money from the world that once was.
Ultra marathon – Travel 960 km. | Self-explanatory trophy. The distance is quite a lot, you will get it relatively late, but it will come by itself by dint of walking.
After Fall – Fall from a cumulative height of at least 10,994m. | Trophy explained in the description. Being cumulative, even the smallest jumps are worth it. You will unlock it without realizing it.
Good night and good luck – Survive your first night. | It will come naturally to unlock it during the game.
Hands down! – Kill 20 enemies in a row with melee weapons without taking damage. | You might unlock it without realizing it. As mentioned, take no damage while using melee weapons, watch out for escape routes and don’t get caught behind. A good way to get this is to carry a rank 6 melee weapon and slaughter the undead in the early game zones, where you can kill them with one hit.
Night Hunter – Kill a Nocturne. | You can meet them at night on alert level 4, especially on the second map. In any case, you can also get the trophy during the story, just before the epilogue, when you will be forced to kill one.
Death from afar – Kill a bowelspeaker with a ranged weapon. | The best way is to attack one from an elevated area with your bow, after you have posted yourself without alerting the other zombies nearby.
Terminal Migraine – Get 50 headshots with a ranged weapon. | You will get the trophy automatically when you hit zombies in the head 50 times with a ranged weapon, such as a bow. It doesn’t have to be a fatal blow, it will count anyway.
Tanning Center – Use a UV Flashlight to Kill a Viral | The UV flashlight will unlock later in the game. Use it to stun a viral (common zombie) and then kill it with a melee weapon while it is stunned. Do it during the day.
Lentone! – Lose the maximum hunting level. | During the night, get tracked down by zombies and chase you until you reach chase level 4/4 (or wait in the water as it rises, as you can’t be tracked there). Once you’ve done that, just lose the chase to get the trophy.
Do we socialize? – Join a cooperative session. | ONLINE. Co-op mode will only unlock after the prologue. Play with a friend or join a random match to get the trophy.
This is how you play as a team! – Kill 100 enemies while playing with at least 2 other players. | ONLINE . Trophy explained in the description.
Lightning Reflexes – Perform 10 perfect blocks in a row without taking damage. | Skill-based trophy, explained in the description. The tutorial for making perfect blocks takes place in the first phase of the game.
Geek – Modify your weapons at least 50 times. | To modify weapons you will need to have at least one mod slot available. They don’t have to be different changes, you can use the same one 50 times.
Ground floor coming soon! – Perform 50 takedowns. | Trophy explained in the description.
Don’t Look Up – Swoop down on at least 50 enemies. | You will need to unlock the related skill with a combat point in the skill tree.
Did you get the point? – Kill 50 enemies with a spear. | Spears are makeshift weapons that you can sometimes find in bandit camps. Look for them among the bodies with green lights, and use them to kill enemies, preferably zombies as humans may be armored.
True Night Owl – Complete all Night Owl Trials. | You will have to complete all the trials with at least the bronze rank. Here are all the challenges of the night owls .
Bim, boom, sbam !!! – Perform a flying kick following a double wall run. | Skill-based and with the need to have acquired three different skills , namely Tic Tac and Wall Combo from the parkour skill tree, and flying kick from the combat one. Perform all three skills in order in a bottleneck between two buildings to hit an enemy.
Archivist – Find all collectible notes. | MISSABLE . Here’s where to find all the written collectibles .
Audiophile – Find all collectible recordings. | MISSABLE . Here’s where to find all the recordings .
Street art enthusiast – Discover all collectible graffiti tags. | Here’s where to find all the Collectible Graffiti Tags .
Silver trophies
Metro Map – Activate all metro stations. | Trophy explained in the description, here is where to find all the metro stations .
Revive – Defeat all anomalies in the GRE. | Trophy explained in the description. Here is the guide where you can find all the anomalies of the GRE .
Hammer of Judgment – Clear all bandit camps. | Trophy explained in the description. Here’s where to find all the bandit camps .
Parkour Master – Achieve the ultimate parkour proficiency. | To do this, you will need to fill the skill tree dedicated to parkour by reaching level 25 . Try to get as much experience as possible, especially at night.
Combat Master – Achieve maximum combat proficiency. | To do this, you will have to fill the skill tree dedicated to combat by reaching level 25 . Again doing related actions after sunset will give you an XP boost.
Man on a Mission – Meet all your love interests on Sparker. | To get this trophy we will have to work with Sparker, after accepting the secondary mission “Matchmaker” in the field of survivors of Trinity. More details to come.
Healthy as a fish – Take your health to the max. | MISSABLE . You cannot fully upgrade Life and Stamina in the same playthrough, unless you use no inhibitors , collect at least 78 without spending them , and make a backup save . Use them to maximize life and get the trophy, then load up the save and do the same with stamina to get the Iron Heart trophy as well . Here is our dedicated guide on where to find all 126 inhibitors .
Iron Heart – Maximize your stamina. | MISSABLE . You cannot fully upgrade Life and Stamina in the same playthrough, unless you use no inhibitors , collect at least 78 without spending them , and make a backup save . Use them to max stamina and get the trophy, then load up the save and do the same with health to get the Healthy as a Fish trophy as well . Here is our dedicated guide on where to find all 126 inhibitors .
Gold trophy
Your World, Your Rules – Beat the game with any ending. | Impossible to miss, finish the game in any way.
Platinum Trophy
The Pilgrim’s Path – Collect all trophies. | As usual, you will get it after you have obtained all the other trophies in the game. (No DLC required).
Even if not directly linked to the trophies, you can certainly find our guide of all the codes of the safes present in Dying Light 2 very useful .
That was all for our Dying Light 2 trophy and platinum guide . If you haven’t, we invite you to also view our video review of the game.
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