In this guide we will explain how to take advantage of the duplication exploit glitch in Dying Light 2: Stay Human to get infinite money

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is proving to be a really well-made game, as anticipated in our review (if you are curious about the vote , just click here ). There is one thing, however, really interesting to note, thanks to the Glitch of the Duplication exploit you can quickly earn infinite money in Dying Light 2. Taking advantage of this glitch is not very complicated and will allow you to quickly acquire a practically infinite number of resources.
How to take advantage of the Duplication exploit in Dying Light 2: Stay Human? Here is the guide!
In this guide we will explain how to make the most of the Duplication glitch exploit in Dying Light 2: Stay Human  and thus obtain infinite money. By accumulating expensive equipment towards the end of the game, or by being joined by a high-ranking player, you can get up to a million in cash in just (so to speak) 30-60 minutes. There is no limit of items that can be used at this stage, you just have to keep in mind that it only works online. This implies the fact that since Dying Light 2: Stay Human  is a title without crossplay, you will have to organize yourself exclusively with players who use the same device as you.
The principle of the Duplication Exploit is the same that was also used within its predecessor or Dead Island, or if you remember well it was enough to open the inventory and throw the object or weapon from it to immediately create 2 copies. In this new title it is no longer possible to extract objects in this way from the inventory, but thanks to the save backups and a cooperative partner it can still be exploited.
Before proceeding, remember to follow the following steps: create a backup save, release the elements of the highest value, ask your partner to collect them (choose it carefully), restore the backup to recover the transferred elements again and repeat as many times as you want . Once you have accumulated a good dose of precious objects, you can make a new backup save, delete multiple copies at the same time and continue to reload the old save to obtain a practically infinite series of copies.
You simply have to be careful in being very quick to exit the game, and copy the save to retrieve your weapon, although the fastest will be able to simply exit and re-enter before the save is overwritten. Once you start doing this little “trick” wait for one of the two player inventories to be full, so you can get a good number of items that will guarantee you a practically unlimited amount of money. Below we leave you a summary of the steps:
- Find a trusted companion;
- Prepare a good item to exploit:
- Create a game save backup:
- On PS4 / PS5: Console Settings> Saved Data Management> Saved Data> Console Storage> Upload your save to PS + Cloud [PS5 / PS4] or USB flash drive [PS4 only]. If you are using the PS + cloud (only option on PS5), make sure you have disabled autosave sync uploads, otherwise it may automatically overwrite your cloud save (PS5 Settings> Saved Data and Game / App Settings> PS5 Saved Data> Sync saved data> Auto- Synchronize saved data = disabled).
- On PC: Find the location where the game save is stored, this can vary but for Steam it should be C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ userdata. Copy it and paste it into another folder where you can find it later.
- On Xbox One / Xbox Series – it is more difficult so we advise you to try it out on a test account first, so as not to lose your progress. This method can ruin your cloud save, so proceed at your own risk and with extreme caution: To force a cloud save: disconnect from the internet> move into the game while disconnected from the internet for a few seconds> reconnect to the internet again> now you will force a cloud save> Release duplicate equipment to the other player in co-op WITHOUT EXITING THE GAME (exiting the game may override the cloud save!)> as soon as the 2nd player has collected your equipment, press Home> scroll down to Dying Light 2> press Options> Manage Game> Saved Data>
- Give the item to the cooperative partner (until the partner takes it)
- Restore your old save
- Reunite with friend, repeat steps 2-5
- Once the inventory is full, make another backup
- Sell ​​items for cash or stock them for later use
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