Dr. Farnetti’s quarantine diet: advice

Dr. Farnetti’s quarantine diet: advice

It’s okay to stay at home and commit to cooking a few more delicacies, but be careful not to go too far.
And to go shopping that allows us to keep some functional foods at hand for our health and our ideal weight.

This is explained by Dr. Sara Farnetti , internist doctor and nutritionist expert in functional nutrition, a diet in which foods and food combinations are exploited both for their properties and for their effects on the body.

On social networks, the doctor, in common with other experts such as prof. Giorgio Calabrese who talked about diet in quarantine and diet for the immune system , and prof. Berrino, an epidemiologist, who talked about the three ways of health even while staying at home , lists a series of tips for a quarantine diet.

These tips concern both shopping and a way to follow a correct diet and lifestyle even at home.

In this article I summarize them all.


How to organize the shopping, to do it less but in the correct way

  • Do not stock up on snacks, bread sticks, baked goods, biscuits and sandwich bread.
  • Having too many sophisticated or processed foods on hand and in the pantry pushes us to eat more and badly. Instead, we buy: peanuts (unsalted on the surface), nuts in shell, dark chocolate with at least 85% cocoa, unpitted olives, and where possible some avocados. Schiacciato can be used to dress salads or prepare sauces such as guacamole, but also something more.

    * Insights: Check out 
    these cocoa and avocado cookies on Dcomedieta, the avocado soup , the avocado spread and the avocado and coconut milk ice cream *
  • Yes to keep dried legumes, rice and slowly dried pasta in the pantry, and frozen broad beans and frozen peas in the freezer.
  • Always in the pantry, yes to eggs, extra virgin olive oil, unsalted but natural preserves of mackerel and salmon or tuna (or fresh fatty fish that we can freeze).
  • To avoid cured meats and sausages, too rich in salt.
  • For the fresh, we prefer vegetables and fruit that can be kept in the fridge for several days. Lemons for vitamin C, citrus fruits in general, kiwis. For vegetables, red or white cabbage, rocket, carrots. Yes also to aged cheeses and butter, which contain vitamin D and allow us to restore it even when staying at home. White meat, which we can frozen.
  • Reduce vacuum-packed products. They are often smoked or high in salt.
  • We put the vegetables on the lowest shelf of the fridge, which is the coldest.

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