Dr Christianson’s diet for hormonal decompensation

Dr Christianson’s diet for hormonal decompensation

Today I am talking about the Adrenal Reset Diet , a diet designed to solve the hormonal decompensation that derives from excessive stress and lose weight, managing to neutralize those mechanisms that make it impossible for us to lose weight, and which instead cause us nervous hunger, bloating, digestive disorders. In particular, this diet will be immensely useful to those who have cortisol problems, and want to lower it with natural methods, for example by strategically taking care of nutrition.

By following these rules, those who struggle to lose weight because they are stressed will finally find a way to lose weight and improve their health , this is because cortisol is a stress hormone that with its catabolic effect (depletes our energy) comes to create decompensation. hormonal both to insulin (causing more easily insulin resistance), and to the thyroid hormones. If you are very stressed and unable to diet, it is in cortisol that you need to identify your number one enemy.
For example, people who work shifts, who work nights, who have stressful jobs that are around all day, who come back late at night, cannot follow a traditional regimen if they want to lose weight.
Symptoms of a similar stress hormonal decompensation are : swollen belly, intestinal regularity problems, tendency to accumulate fat around the abdomen, tendency to develop nervous hunger, craving for sweets, and to get less sated with carbohydrates than the average person. 

I recommend that you follow the suggestions of Dr. Christianson, naturopathic doctor and creator of the Adrenal Reset Diet, to improve your hormonal decompensation, following the scheme I propose for at least a week. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO )

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