Dove leftovers, use them for these 3 diet recipes

Dove leftovers, use them for these 3 diet recipes

After Easter you have some Colomba leftovers and you would like to use them to make a dessert, to eat perhaps for breakfast. But on the net you will find recipes that involve the use of mascarpone, melted chocolate, cream: this despite the fact that the Colomba already brings 400 calories per 100 grams, so it is not light in itself.

What if you want to create a healthier and more dietetic dessert with just a few ingredients, to eat for breakfast even if you are on a diet? Here are 3 diet dessert recipes that start right from the dove but do not exceed 225 calories per serving.

The same calories as 3 rusks with three teaspoons of jam and a glass of semi-skimmed milk.

You can also use these recipes for the dove and Easter egg lightning diet instead of breakfast A or B.


8 portions strawberry tiramisu with colomba

For this recipe you will need 250 grams of colomba (about a third) cut into thin slices and deprived of the top glaze, which you will set aside, 300 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt, 150 grams of pasteurized egg white, a sweetener such as stevia or tic and 250 grams of strawberries.
Blend the strawberries and add them to the Greek yogurt, mix everything by adding a few drops of sweetener and if you want a pinch of vanillin. Separately, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks. Cut the dove into very thin slices, about 1 cm scarce. Place them on a rectangular baking dish of 8 portions for one layer, pour half of the cream, put other slices of colomba on top, pour the rest of the cream, level well and sprinkle with the chopped colomba glaze in a mixer with a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa. Cover everything with plastic wrap and keep 8 hours in the fridge.
This tiramisu doesn’t even need the syrup.

Calories for an eighth of dessert: 218.

Colomba cake of 10 servings

Per la torta di colomba avrete bisogno di 400 grammi di colomba, 100 grammi di purea di mela, 200 grammi di albumi d’uovo, 400 ml di latte scremato o di soia senza zuccheri aggiunti, poca stevia o altro dolcificante, cannella, scorza di un limone o di un’arancia non trattata, 30 grammi di amido di mais o fecola.

Tagliate la colomba a dadini privandola della parte glassata superiore. A parte montate con delle fruste il latte con gli albumi e la fecola, aggiungete la purea di mela, le scorze di agrumi, il dolcificante e la cannella. Mettete nella ciotola i cubetti di Colomba, chiudete con pellicola e tenete in frigo per 20-25 minuti. Foderate con carta forno uno stampo da tortiera di  24-26 cm di diametro, versate il composto, spolverizzatela con la glassa della colomba tritata in un mixer con poca cannella e cuocete la torta a 180° gradi per 35-40 minuti.

Calorie per un decimo della torta: 225

Zuppa inglese con colomba da 8 porzioni

Per questa ricetta potete usare 500 ml di latte scremato o di soia senza zuccheri aggiunti. In un pentolino sciogliere 20 grammi di amido di mais o frumina e 20 grammi di cacao amaro in poco latte, fino a ottenete una cremina. Aggiungete un dolcificante a zero calorie come stevia o Truvia. Unite il resto del latte e cuocere la crema a fiamma bassa finché non si addensa. Uniteci 125 grammi di yogurt magro, amalgamate bene, coprite con della pellicola e mettetela subito in frigo da tiepida per evitare grumi.

Take 270 grams of colomba, remove the glaze, cut it into 1 cm slices. Arrange the slices on an 8-portion baking dish, sprinkle them with half a glass of orange juice with no added sugar. Pour half of the cream taken from the fridge. Repeat the operation and finish with the cream, over which sprinkle the icing of the chopped dove in a mixer.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate to compact overnight or for at least 7-8 hours.

Calories for one eighth of the trifle: 200.

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