Doubt on foot reflexology maps
Hello I’m new to the site and looking at the reflexology maps  I noticed that they are the opposite of what you usually see (for example, given the liver 22 in the left foot and the spleen in the right one). Is a mistake ? Thanks for your kind reply. Marco
Health Answers

Dear Marco, there are several mappings that treat the reflex points in the foot. This depends on the type of “school” used for reflexology treatment. So let’s talk about the oriental method (Chinese on zun su, Japanese, Chinese energy technique, Thai …. etc, and Western Filzgerard, naturopathic method, organic method, energetic method … etc ….. Each “school” suggests a different method for treating the problem or the organic rebalancing. The different position of the organs placed in the plant is therefore due to this and not to an error. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath, reflexologist-iridology, mind fulness

Thank you for pointing out something that may be useful to our readers. The map should be read as if the feet were seen from above, not from the sole: the right foot is in fact on the right and the left foot on the left. Eg: the liver (22) remains on the right foot. Elisa Capelli (

You’re absolutely right Marco the map has an error. In the right foot there are 2 points corresponding to the physical liver and the epicenter liver while in the left foot only the spleen point is present. The map instead shows both the liver and spleen points on the right foot. The map with which I made the comparison is the one reproduced in the text “Naturopathic Reflexology” published by Enea Mara Varisco Bassi (Naturopath)
The maps are different, the secret is to know how to interpret the emotional dynamics of the Person on the foot, then the massage is done
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