Doubt about lemon juice …

Doubt about lemon juice …

According to what I have read it is indicated in alkaline diets (those that make you lose more weight); I am a chemist, as far as I understand the pH of lemon is acidic (below 7).

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Gianluca, there are acidic foods and other acidifying foods, alkaline foods and alkalizing foods. That is, foods that are born acidic but become alkalizing by chemical reaction. If we take lemons as an example, it is alkalizing on certain subjects (carbonic constitution …) while on phosphofluoric subjects it can be demineralizing and therefore acidifying! Fruit acids generally have an alkalizing action on other types of acids. There are many publications on this subject, almost all of which are very confusing or give incomplete or incorrect information. Read Mantovani’s and you will clarify your ideas! Good evening Cinzia Zedda naturopath-mindfulness instructor, reflexologist


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