Don’t always stay on a diet! Here’s what happens

Don’t always stay on a diet! Here’s what happens

201001-omag-oz-949x534The new season of Dr. Oz starts well , which in America started right in mid-September (the seventh season), while in Italy we will probably see the new episodes starting from October. But I give you a small preview of one of the topics covered in this new season, which obviously could not fail to also concern diets and weight loss. But with a small change of course: yes, because always staying on a diet would not be good, quite the opposite. According to a new study from the University of Liverpool on a sample of over 14 thousand people , constant control over food through perennial diets led to greater stress, the tendency to overeat and thus easily regain the lost weight.
In short, the diet works only when it does not stress us too much and does not make us live with the feeling of having to have constant control over food in order to stay in the right weight. So here are Dr. Oz’s tips for avoiding diet stress. 


1) Eat ripe fruit, and aim for the freshness and seasonality of fruit and vegetables.

2) Focus on healthy food, not quick results on the scale: weigh yourself once a week.

3) Eat a soft diet: Avoid only artificial sweeteners, refined foods, margarine and industrial preparations to begin with.

4) Try to be a habit in breakfast and lunch: in this way, you will be able to dine with more freedom and taste, knowing that you have not gone too far in 3/4 of the day. For breakfast you can try whole grains or porridge with milk and smoothies, for lunch you can try whole wheat pasta or rice with the vegetables that inspire you the most, aiming for simple toppings.

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