Dog prostate, all remedies
Enlarged prostate is a common complaint in adult male dogs. Natural remedies can help prevent the onset of the most frequent ailments. Let’s find out what they are.
> 1. What is the prostate
> 2. Symptoms of dog prostatitis
> 3. Dog prostate: natural cures and remedies
Urogenital system of the dog
What is the prostate
The prostate is a fibromuscular and glandular organ of which only male dogs are endowed , the size of a chestnut, which is placed between the urethra, at the bottom, and the rectum, at the top. An enlarged prostate causes mechanical compressions to both.
Dog Prostatitis Symptoms
Symptoms of a dog’s enlarged prostate are clearly visible. The dog defecates with difficulty and during the efforts to evacuate the prostate it moves further upwards, preventing or making it very difficult to expel the feces, which can appear “like a ribbon”.
Compression of the urethra, on the other hand, first causes urinary retention and then, when the distended bladder loses tone, total incontinence or drop by drop, sometimes with blood loss.
The situation may be such as to make it impossible to evacuate and / or urinate with consequent life-threatening. In these cases, surgery or with hormonal substances is a must.
Prostatic hyperplasia , if it has not reached serious levels, is not painful in itself, when instead the prostate is inflamed and suppurating, that is, in the presence of prostatitis, there can be violent pain and very high fever . The intervention of the veterinarian in this case is inevitable.
Dog prostate: natural cures and remedies
The prostate gland can cause problems in male dogs over 6 years of age . Even if not everyone has evident clinical symptoms, the very high percentage of incidence of the problem suggests the need to intervene early and with natural remedies so that the organic balance is maintained and there is no need for emergency surgery.
The most common change is overall enlargement of the gland (hyperplasia). In simple hyperplasia and also to prevent it, a natural remedy such as Sequoia can be used effectively .
Sequoia in phytotherapy are used young jets, which have energetic properties, general stimulants and which, in males, regulate the genital system with beneficial effects, precisely, on the prostate gland: Sequoia gigantea (glyceric macerate), from 10 to 40 drops in the morning, diluted in a little water or distributed in very little food.
Preventive care must be done once a year, continued for a month, two weeks off, another month. In the case of an already enlarged prostate, however, the cycles must be repeated several times, until the gland is reduced. The use of the Sequoia gigantea bud extract , thanks to its stimulating and energizing action of the senescent organism, accelerates the recovery of strength in case of neuroasthenia in the elderly dog, thus carrying out a good action both on a physical and psychological level.
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