Dog dysplasia, all the remedies

Dog dysplasia, all the remedies

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a very common disorder in large dogs that over time becomes disabling. It can have genetic, dietary or environmental causes, and sadly there is no cure, but natural remedies can be supportive. Let’s find out better.

>   1. What is dog dysplasia

>   2. Symptoms of dog dysplasia

>   3. Dog dysplasia: natural cures and remedies

Dog dysplasia



What is dysplasia

Dysplasia is a disease that affects the hip of dogs and is degenerative and disabling. 

It begins with a weakening of the dog’s hip which degrades to the development of  severe arthritis  , resulting in paralysis. 

Dysplasia occurs very early in a dog’s life (from 3 months to one year of age) and can be a result of weight gain or overgrowth. In general, however, the causes can be genetic, environmental or food . 

Dysplasia can also occur in older dogs, in some breeds more often than others (e.g. German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers and Labradors) and in males more than in females. 


Symptoms of dysplasia

Dog hip dysplasia can have several symptoms . The most frequent and common are: 

  • Reduction of the miscular mass for the hind legs. 
  • Staggering gait. 
  • Lameness affecting one and both hind legs. on one or both legs 
  • Serious difficulty in simple movements (such as standing up or lying down).
  • Less resistance to physical exertion and difficulty climbing stairs. Decreased resistance to exercise. 
  • Abnormal posture and pain. 


Dog dysplasia: natural cures and remedies

Dysplasia is a disease that can be easily diagnosed by the veterinarian through a complete physical examination to evaluate the dog’s gait, the presence of pain and the ability to move.

This is then confirmed by an x- ray to allow you to check the degree of dysplasia and whether arthritis is already present.

An early diagnosis is of fundamental importance to intervene in a timely manner with the treatments and prevent the disease from progressing too quickly.  

Hip dysplasia cannot be cured but only cured to avoid suffering and slow down its course. 

Natural remedies for dog dysplasia aim to stop its debilitating progress . They are mainly based on providing the dog with proper nutrition. An incorrect diet can in fact aggravate the disease. Incorrect nutrition means table scraps, too poor a diet or over-fed dogs.

It is important to provide the dog with the right amount of vitamins , minerals and mainly calcium . The bones must be strong and robust, the joints healthy to face the passage of time with as little trauma as possible.

When a dog is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, he needs to keep his body weight stable . A useful way to do this, avoiding unnecessary effort but keeping the muscular system active is the practice of swimming.  

Dysplasia is a hereditary disease , therefore there is no valid prevention to avoid it. If either parent has dysplasia it is very likely that the puppies will also be affected. 

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