Dog and cat pregnancy, all the remedies

Dog and cat pregnancy, all the remedies

Pregnancy in dogs and cats must be experienced for what it is, a natural event. However, there are some tricks that can help you to live it to the fullest. Let’s find out what they are.

Childbirth dog cat

Dog pregnancy: natural remedies

A dog’s pregnancy lasts for an average of 60 days , although there is a tolerance range from 57 to 63 days.

Blood tests are not performed to find out if a dog is pregnant, due to the peculiarities of the dog’s reproductive cycle. From the 21-25th day it is possible to do an ultrasound to understand if the dog is pregnant. It is important to have ultrasound checks during the dog’s pregnancy to check the growth rate of the puppies and the presence of fetal heartbeat.

Among the most common symptoms during dog pregnancy are hypertrophy of the breasts and the appearance of milk . The feeding of the bitch is very important: from the 45th day of gestation it is necessary to integrate the feeding with the appropriate supplements for pregnancy or with Puppy croquettes for small dogs (absolutely not those for large dogs), so to provide the right nutritional intake also necessary for breastfeeding without giving large volumes of food that would dilate the stomach too much, already compressed in a small space due to the presence of the puppies. This feed must then be continued even during breastfeeding.

It is good to use dietary supplements during pregnancy . Raspberry leaves fortify the uterus and greatly facilitate the stages of childbirth and you can mix the leaves directly with the ration, or make an herbal tea and mix it with food.

After giving birth, you can give her half the dose, to stimulate milk production and to help the uterus in the self-cleaning process.

Alfalfa contains a lot of calcium , iron, zinc, vitamins of group A, B, K, Biotin and trace elements. Vitamin C is important for bone and cartilage development, facilitates childbirth and prevents the birth of weak puppies.


Find out more about dog and cat birth

Childbirth dog cat


Cat pregnancy: natural remedies


A cat’s pregnancy lasts from 57 to 63 days . During the first weeks of pregnancy in cats, few symptoms are detectable, except for a slight weight gain. Around the third week, the future mother’s nipples begin to enlarge and turn pink.

Cats can also suffer from morning sickness: this usually happens around the 3rd to 4th week due to hormonal changes and related distension of the abdomen. The cat is apathetic, inappetent, or vomits as soon as she touches food. This only lasts 2 or 3 days.

From day 21-25 we can do an ultrasound to see if she got pregnant. Before this date, nothing is seen, it is too early, but even here the law is valid according to which the number of kittens cannot be established with an ultrasound: the ultrasound probe positioned in different ways could always read the same kitten. To know exactly how many puppies will be born, it will be necessary to wait until the 45th day of pregnancy, when the bones ossify.

For the cat mother it is good to give Kitten croquettes from the 45th day onwards, in order to guarantee a correct energy supply , also in view of lactation, with the smallest intestinal obstruction possible.

It is good to use dietary supplements during pregnancy. Raspberry leaves fortify the uterus and greatly facilitate the stages of childbirth and you can mix the leaves directly with the ration, or make an herbal tea and mix it with food. After giving birth, you can give her half the dose, to stimulate milk production and to help the uterus in the self-cleaning process.

Alfalfa contains a lot of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins of group A, B, K, Biotin and trace elements. Vitamin C is important for bone and cartilage development, facilitates childbirth and prevents the birth of weak puppies.

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